How about a really nicey nice thread, like this one, where abuse and insults are left at the door, and you only post nicey nice things about each other. Do you think it could reach 100 posts without...
Well i never, i knew my cats had strange eating habits, but i've just been mugged by my big old cat Elvis, for a packet of crisps! I opened a packet of Mccoys salt and vinegar, then put them on the...
My father is giving me his old fish tank due to an upgrade & I want to make it look good. At the moment there is multi coloured gravel, really rubbish plastic plants & equally dodgy looking ornaments....
well it may be windburn actually but it was very warm and the sea air (well...coastal air i guess, it was Southport after all) and the sand have made my face red ! How has everyone spent their Easter...
One of my friends has recently suffered a relationship break up, her dog has had to be rehomed as she worked full time, a few days on and she has now reconciled with partner - they obviously miss...
I have 2 9year old British Blue male cats. One of them is obsessed with plastic bags etc. He will chew anything he comes across. The other one doesn't bother. Also every time he gets into the bathroom...
our guinea is a boar aged 1yr 6mths old and recently his breathing seems to be quite quick like hes out of breath or scared, he seems fine in everything else hes eating, drinking, sleeping etc and...
Just noticed this week that my cat has developed a droopy eyelid. Well I say that but what I actually mean is that his eye is only partially open. He's fine in every other way - walking straight, no...
My kids have been raising 3 tadpoles for a while now. We had them from spawn and now they were getting quite big and their tails were beginning to shorten. We have been feeding them on fish food and...
just over 24 hours ago we adopted a young un-neutered tom cat that we think is approx 9 months old. so far, he has not sprayed anything, but it looks like they start to do this around 6 months old,...
Poppy, Maisie, Bill, Ben and Jade have been best friends since they started school. In January 2007, they decide to buy a house in the Medway towns. Poppy pays 50,000, Maisie pays 30,000, Bill pays...
hi i am a 33 years old man and i have a 10 year old son whos mother wont let me see him, i have had contact with him every day and so have my family up and till just before christmas he usally gose on...
An friend of a friend has a kitten which has been born disabled (I'm not quite sure that is the right word but I don't know how to describe her) When she walks she sort of stumbles and goes to the...
I want to do some easter crafts tommorow with my sisters. I would prefer not to have to buy things I have no shortage of paper cups, cotton wool, normal wool and felt tips. Any ideas ?