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(3d) Its a slur to change a stone belt in Russia. (5) U _ _ _ S. (9a) Change the French act and get a grip. (5) _ L_ _ _ . (11d) Neck holds school kid's key together for bridle accessory. (11) T _ _ O...
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4 across. Note solution in brief. S - -. Also 5 down. Garden feat ure appearing almost wolf- like. - - P - N Thanks in anticipation.
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need help with 26 down clue thorough test 5 & 4 24 down person removed from danger 7 letters
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the old mill
16d Welsh coal-mining town (4,4)(ab??,?a?e) 24ac Wilfred (4), English Poet (???n) 3d x or y line on graph,(4) is it Axis? 12ac is it hips?
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Frankie wasn't out 10 minutes this morning, and came in hopping on 3 legs, with a cut on his right front leg. Quick dash to the Vet. Cleaned up, antibiotic injection, and 5 day supply of antibiotic...
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mos 5d french seat of petain's collaborationist government. this is my last question then I can enjoy the rest of my 40th wedding anniversary many thanks in anticipation.
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hidden bonus features on a DVD. I think it might be EASTER EGGS... but that seems too silly. do you all agree that they've made a mistake with the director of Fargo. ? It says in my Guinnes book of...
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sorry everyone, must check list before asking next time. I see that 'clocked IN and ON' were accepted last week. hurrah!
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last one can anyone help 22a triumphs four letters -i-z I have for 13d immunizing but the dictionary spells it with an s as spellchecker keeps changing it to a z
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39 across the arehouse or merchandise of a candlemaker ?h?n?l?o? and invite ??u?t drag ??a?l thank you
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30 down , just wondered what others are putting for this one , I reckon it can be Menorca or Minorca . Maybe it's one of those either / or answers like the clocking in / on one last week . What's the...
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How come most of the questions are already answered when they appear? Am I missing a trick?
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Ray Sharpe
last one 9A 9 letters city in Mali historical trading post - i - b - c - o -
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what is the real name of Lewis Carroll
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I was out in the garden and came back in, there was something in my house that was huge, black and flying about making a noise like a blue bottle. I thought it was a bee but it was about 10 times the...
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49 down suspicion, C?N??I?M
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I'm having an affair with a married man.....does it ever work out or am I COMPLETELY wasting my time? Helpful answers welcome x
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Does anyone know if Incontinence pants can be obtained on the NHS? I think the Tena type ones would be ideal for my mother, but they are almost ?40 for just over a month's supply.
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My cavalier king charles spaniel swallowed whole the largest of the bones from a chicken wing - about the size of little finger. He did this 2 evenings ago. After watching him 24/7 hes absolutely...
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He got laid off today, had a few drinks and decided I had been selfish, unsupportive and generally a bad wife. This is despite the fact that he hasn't made it home before 9.30 for the last month, his...

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