3D military term meaning to assume positions or cause to assume positions to resist a possible attack S--n- to (5/2) Is it 'stand to'? Cannot find in dictionary. Are you up yet lie-in-king?
did any of you get some hens for those of you that didnt these are mine which we collected this morning arnt they a sorry state poor little things [IMG]http://i39.tinypic.com/2i1ecyt.jpg[/IMG]
Hi all, im hoping that all the brainboxes will be in this category ! - can anybody come up with suggestions for a car spraying business name ? There are some local already called 'Paintworx' and...
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE can everyone who has a loved one or knows someone on the autistic spectrum fill in the link below. It is a petition to ask your MP to support the AUTISM bill on the 27th Feb. At...
There's a young couple a few door down from us. They've been living together for 8 years and have 2 little ones. He told her a few weeks ago it was all over and wants her to leave with the kids. The...
Hi my husband is facing a charge of GBH with intent, How this happened was where he lived he rented a room out to a guy and his girlfriend and they were keeping the place untidy so my husband spoke to...
My grandfather was born in 1867, the son of servants. His diary, written 30 years later, shows a level of education that belies his 'class'. It is literate and grammatical although sometimes his...
Why are people complaining about the Union Flag being upsid down, at the Brown China meeting. A Union Flag upside down means distress. = IT COULDN'T BE MORE TRUE. Brown - In distress. Labour Party -...
Oops! Forgot to fill in 12a (Of animals + plants) existing in a wild state (5 letters) Have FERA? is it feral? 26d in Japanese cookery the name of large noodles made from wheat flour U??N (4 LETTERS)...
I know this is wrong section but did you know your photo driving license expires after 10yrs and its ?17.50 to renew it?? I never knew!! And you can get fined a ?1000 if you don't renew it, i thought...
18A Moved suddenly as if from fear (5 letters) Have S?I?D 23a Usual methods of procedure (8 letters) Have ??U?I?E? 33a Treeless, grassy plain of central US + s.Canada (7 letters) Have P?A??I? is it...
I think it is right that absent fathers should be made to pay maintenance for the upkeep of their children. If all absent fathers are made to pay, does that mean that all unmarried mothers will get...
A nucleus having the same atomic number and mass as another but a different energy state (6) I - O - E - In music a very elaborate form of fugue (8) R - C - R - A - Degeneration of the kidney's...