5d enchanteresss in Greek mythology who detained Orysseus on her island C?R?E 5 letters Also 6d 'If God did not exist, it necessary to invent him' 5,2 letters is this 'would be'?? -fits! 21D Person...
Do you own any books by Helen Steiner Rice? A friend of mine has just lost her father and is devastated. My mother told me many years ago that someone bought her a book by Helen Steiner Rice, and the...
Do you think animals abuse their offspring like some human parents do? Does a starling mother get fed up & bash her chicks, or a 3 toed sloth father sexually abuses his offspring? Or pour boiling...
25D 9 Letters acute disease characterised by proliferation of white blood cells i know it should be Leukemia but it don't fit and match with 32A which is Elgar any help please?
i just went to look in my profile to see what my first question was and when i came back to chatter bank there is loads of questions missing including the one i was about to answer..is it just me?
I know there are different categories of prison but don't know how it works. I'm in court for GBH and have a suspended sentence so know there is a good chance of prison. I'm 23 and in court in London...
We all see lists of Top selling books - but is there a online way of finding out about unusual , obscure and rare books ? What is /are the worst selling book strictly in numbers?
My mum and dad split up for the second time last night, my dad is sleeping here until he finds another place to stay. Tonight he went upstairs with a bottle of paracetamol but he is like a child, very...
I've been going out with my gf for 3 years and have started back smoking again - am 23 and had given up 2 years ago. I knew it annoyed her when I smoked before and she encouraged me to give up. I'm...
Still stuck on last 5. May have something wrong but here goes. 79a Mined fuel 3-4 --t -o-l 92a Descriptive music 4,7 t-n- --c-u-e 96a A group paying attention 11 a---n-c- 79d One who puts public...