Does anyone like that white "GUNGE" that comes out of bacon when it's fried .Lets make a stand and tell the bacon companies to stop injecting the bacon with water .I'm sure its only done to make the...
This question is to mainly caucasian girls but other race can answer it too. Do you find orientals attractive? This is my main question. I know it's a very open question but when you look around you...
Question. Assuming, as is taught in religious circles, that God has always existed,and created absolutely everything, then i'd like to see reasons, why he/she/it created Humans. Any ideas?, Thanks.
I had to have my faithful friend put down on sunday and at the moment i am finding it very difficult. I know its not been long but the house seems so big and empty without him. He was a beautiful...
Two nuns were walking along a street, when they met a man, one of the nuns went up to the man and kissed him. The second nun reported this to the Mother Superior, and the first nun was called in to...
Hi all i have a ginger female kitten (nearly 4 months old) and he has started to poo outside of her litter tray and im not too sure why shes doing it !! Her litter is cleaned daily and she has a...
30 down eight letters Genre of modern art devloped from impressionism, expressionism, and Romanticism A - S -- -- - C - 11 down eight letters city in SE China 60K south of the Yangtze river which was...
He flinches when i touch it so its sore for him , its where his whiskers are , the spot like thing is stuck out looking like a wart ... i have made an appointment at the vets for tonight but wondered...
1. domestic hardware (11) ?A???O?G?R? 2. Increasing rapidly in size (11) ????B?T?I?? 3. Railway baggage wagon (6,3) ??L??? VAN 4. Not Enclosed (10) ?N?O?E???D 5. State of being a slave (7) B?????E
For the first time ever yesterday I completed the Times crossword without using a single dictionary. I've just checked the solution in todays paper and they are all correct. I just wanted to share...