1d six- guns ablaze in the old days? water pistols to plug them these days(10)?i???i?h?s 10a theres an opening, however , that raises spirits...(8)???r?e?s
so - called breakthrough, so it is, for distaff staff(3,5,7)the,g?a?s,?e?l?n? 2d want to say its a drought initally upon the world as we know it(6)?e???? 12a power, as it may as well be..(5)?????
1d six guns ablaze in the old days?water pistols to plug them these days(10)???????h?s 10a theres an opening, however that raises spirits...(8)?????e?s 25a professorships politicians who loose their... ...
13a mother of god a guiding light in a swell of squail or fog(4,2,3,3)???,o?,??e,?e? 14d got an opening for a better hop,went the fox on the trot(5)??n?? 24d heres how theyd keep the home fires... ...
27a it is all equal to the faithful or not,departed(4,4)d?v?,??e? ( not sure of letter V 23d whereby ladies remodel moral standards...(6)????l? 22a the man with the golden thumb said M... ...
8a wars lost without end i arranged for our traditional sad refrains(4,4)?l??,??r? 2d initial salem sorceress going down,no, exchange your answer...(6)???t?? 12a better alternative youll see where... ...
21a american in negative translation, just dont make grammatical sense(4)a?n? 16d from then on, the far Right and East we reassess(10)w?e?e???e? 27a past position of no3 was a ten- fold sexton... ...
12a bloodless is the countenance of Dracula by day(5-5)???e?-???e? 5a a selfish priorty to which all humans succumb..Trump ticks his single ticket, bar none(6,3)?i???r,?n? 1d main feature that... ...
24d what the goose does before the goose bumps?(5)?o?k? 27d mark it this could be the onethats missing from the 22nd perhaps?(4)s?o? ( answer to 22 was STRAY
12a a little helper can still fulfil accelerated triting skill(9)?h????a?d 2d any sabre-rattler can take a jump(6)?e?c?? 24d what a goose does before the goose bumps(5)?o?k? 27d mark if this could be... ...
8a good for a charge(4)?i?? 10a a fundamental bit of chemistry, elementary(8)?l???r?? 25a in the game of thrones the king always has home advantage to deploy(6)???t?e 28a never easy on the job, so... ...
8a mag is 140 years of age and still pressing on(4)?r?e 4d but this is tonight to see the light...(8)?t?r?l?s? ( not sure if letters I have given are correct
18a wouldn't cowboys still have a beef with what rarely appear on their plates(9,6)?????d???,?????? 16d note, if you must to make Information Teechnology bite the the dust(4,2,4)????,it,????
12a o grieve together to say what you think(5)?p?n? 13a reboot from the boot...(4)???r 24d Vale! Independent reply went for that daily old reading of De valera s seeding(5,5)?r?s?,??e??
17d overdue payment for late subscriber?(5,4)?????,???? 16d down they go for their great comeuppance, quacks for rats(10)p?????d??? 8a feature of the night when the moons bright(9)?i???i???
3d the ship contains two(to tow up)who are boning up for scholarship(5)?w??? 10a how big foot by extension, would go beyond normal boundaries..(8)???????p 1d what wine lovers become, much like... ...