i think it is really disgusting that another pensioner goes to jail for refusing to pay his council tax. we are one of the heaviest taxed countries around vat income tax etc.i pay a very very high...
hey dnt say anything,but guess whos still together after all the s.hit between them ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? your bum cheeks : lol
if anyone has ever dealt with them i tell you now we pay millions in to the kitty from our car insurance each year on average 30 pounds each ever year and if you are unfortunate like me to get injured...
i injured my back three and a half years ago i have seen 3 orphopedic consultants and had 3 opinions on my lower back and each one has had a different opinion and when you go to see them they are all...
as we are a free democratic voting country in time do you think as the muslim population grows do you think that they will eventully run this country ?and if so will it end up with street fighting...
i have worked for an employer for 12 years and in my contract i have 23 days holiday and 8 days bank holiday drawn up he has told me that my contract is out of date and wants to change it and he is...
when a married couple are getting a divorce why is it when there are kids involved the mother or father always gets a bigger share of the family home when sold eg 60/40 or sometimes more does this...
3 years a go i went to a kiddies park with my kids and befor i got out i had eaten a muffing choclate cake and i didnt no it had gone down between my legs and around my backside and when i got out i...