I am struggling today and I confess to having picked many of your brains today...however this is my last one and it eludes me completely...thanks in advance !
29 across. G ? O ? N ? - L ? O ? P Looks like ground loop? A sharp uncontrollable turn made by an aircraft while taxiing, taking off or landing due to un-balanced drag.
an univalent radical containing only carbon & hydrogen atoms arranged in a chain A --K --L [5 letters[ asked Google but got nowhere, tks in advance, last one.
1d american jurist 1891-1974 ?a?l?a?r?n
3d wright american african boxer ?h?l?y
7d banaba island ?d?a?
30d dentistry dealing with extractions e?o?o?t?c?
need to go to bed
To all site contributors - We are slightly elderly and have only discovered this site this year. We are not into chat rooms or blogs but would like to thank all the contributors to this site and to...
coffle or kafila ??
coffle /"kQf(@)l/
? n. a line of animals or slaves fastened or driven along together.
? ORIGIN C18: from Arab. kafila 'caravan'.