Why can i not remember much of the night before after drinking, i am in (near) perfect state and (too) not hungover, it usually happens when i drink more than i should,. Is their any relationship...
Even' all, can anyone help I am stuck on a few : 4D) Departure point for repellant object T?R? OFF 13A) I let ion be used to make pigment E?I?L?N 23D) British lout turned into bully ...
As a follow on from another question of 'are prison sentences pathetic' - can anyone name a burglar or shoplifter or rapist other than high profile cases - NO of course you cant - they are anonymous -...
In May I attended a court case where a 20-year old male was sentenced to six years for a catalogue of 28 offences including robberies, attempted robberies, and and an assortment of thefts, plus...
Pleeeese tell me I am not the only one struggling with todays crusader, I can't remember it being this bloody hard ever !! Anyone else having the same problem, normally I struggle on the last one or...
Mornin' all , any one got an idea what 20 down is ? time left to get unknown score ? T?E?N? It seems clear to me that it should be "twenty " as in score but I cannot see the...
Is it my computer or what but do other readers find that when getting to about page 3 trying to work forward for answers, the system becomes locked and will not proceed to the next pages?
I have recently had an operation and will be off work for a fair time. I have read a few Steinbeck, Ian Banks , my favourite book is Trinity by Leon Uris. I like murder mysteries, etc, but am fed up...
Mornin' all, can anyone help on yesterdays crusader.?? 23 A) agree to run round bend to british inn A???R?? 24D) baby one in outbuilding? ??I?N 19D) rest in an alcove? ???E?S ....
Yesterdays xword , 24 d : Time wife got diamonds doubled ? T?I?E. I think it may be TRICE, T for time , ICE for diamonds, but not sure about the R !! Any ideas please . Many thanks