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what odd things do you put in a sarnie? i like peach sarnies pizza sarnies pie sarnies ritz biscuits sarnies ok mentalist , what weird thing have you had between some bread ?...
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i have a 6 month old puppy he is a japanese akita crossed with alsation. he seems to have a poo problem. i am feeding him james well beloved but he is quite loose any suggestions please
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does anyone know of a short poem . a young female teacher has recently died soddenly
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If i planted an acorn now how long would it take to become a decent sized tree and do i need a special type of soil
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I am slightly disturbed by all these books being published about people's horrendous childhoods. I am reading 'A Child Called It' and I can't believe how horrible it is. i can't stop reading it even...
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I'm in a reading group and it's my turn to choose again. We've had a run of cr@p choices thanks to one of our number who is, shall we say, a born schoolmistress who likes to influence the choices as...
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Hi I am off on holiday with my faimily in the next 2 weeks and need some inspiration for holiday reading. I can easily plough thru 4-5 books in a 2 week period. I like:- Chic lit ( for the 30+ age...
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david andrew
who dies
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can I download it free, I keep being sent to a page to purchase it?

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