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The Kennel Club have finally agreed to drop the word 'Alsatian' from the name of the German Shepherd Dog with immediate effect. About time too, we are the only country that ever used the word, and...
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Should you switch your router off overnight?
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does any one know why when it was first switched on. it showed err on the display. looked it trouble shooter at back of book and cannot see why. any help thanks.
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Eventually, someone will come along who knows the Alpensinfonie. A few thoughts. I bought the Karajan/Berlin Philharmonic version this week? I only bought it because, as we do, I'm replacing my vinyl...
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Nose Hair
Recently I have been eating a lot of bread and put on a bit of weight too. I still exercise so does this mean that its because of the bread? Also I eat it every night with dinner. I sometimes have...
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The Human Body! Very informative! It takes your food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach. One human hair can support 3 kg (6.6 lb). The average man's penis is three times the length...
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I saw a book advertised about learning about people from the books they read, what are the basic ideas behind it?
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When and why did ships and boats become referred to as "she"?
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My dog has developed these scab things on her underbelly, they dont seem to bother her, but has anyone got any advicse
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My border terrier has an excellent coat but has developed a few small lumps, surrounded with flaky skin, which are itchy when combed. I accidentally knocked the top of a lump and it revealed a raw red...
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G T A F Can anyone help with this saying
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Saw this and just had to share with everyone, enjoy! cle-1206018/The-squirrel-photo-crasher-How-che eky-rodent-star-couples-holiday-snap.html Aww he just...
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We noticed one of our borders ears is redder than the other one, it isnt bothering him, but thought it bet to take him to the vet.Weve just got back and the vet firstly said his teeth had a plaque...
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Is there a treatment for the warts on my beagle?
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I'd like advice about hand stripping Terriers please. I have a 6 month old Border Terrier, and whilst she doesn't need professional grooming yet, I know she will at some stage and I admit, I am...
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my dog who is almost 10 urinates whenever he hears thunder and rain, now he is pooping also and let me tell you he can make a mess, what am i to do
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Hi, have invited some friends for dinner Tues night & forgotten I'm working til 5pm! I'm trying to find a recipe that I can make, or mostly make, the night before that can be reheated / finished off...
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if you get an email about swine flu delete it as its only spam.
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There really is some ghastly people on this site. Ghastly, it reminds me of a council estate.
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keeps popping up on the right , i thought i would ask in this section. where do the educated people hang out?

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