I was at church on sunday and the minister as part of his sermon was speaking about being confronational and he asked people to put up their hands who like confronation. Well I did and I was the only...
the job i started six weeks ago (through agency) was thought to be going permanent after three months but i was informed this morning that the work load is rapidly decreasing very soon - and so i will...
Can anyone please help. just stuck on these few. 9 What type of raptor did Billy Casper train in a 1969 film? 11. Play a trick up high. 14. A.C.D.D.E.E.E.E.G.K.O.O.O.P.P.R.R.RS.T.T.T.W. (3WORDS) 28. A...
... or not? Would you risk this new gadget .... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/fashion-and-style/11590582/Why-are-so-many-men-shaving-their-private-parts.html ... me, I'm not convinced at all...
Hi, Regarding lean manufacturing within small-medium sized enterprises in the UK. Anyone want to hazard a guess as to what it will look like in 10 years? Will companies still be lean? What will...
I know this was discussed a couple of weeks ago here, but I want to bring it up again. Someone here said he was concerned that his electoral roll number was written on the ballot paper and so it would...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3064866/Read-history-happened-Extraordinary-Daily-Mail-pages-day-Adolf-Hitler-died-70-years-ago-week.html Interesting to note however that back then Gordon's...
We've just had a conversation about the above, and were wondering how men go on in a naturist environment if they 'stand to attention' unexpectedly. It must happen, and we were wondering how it would...
Is Miliband after the Muslim vote !.
Is is just me or does anyone else think they are becoming too expensive? In a recent visit to one local Mind shop I found a Per Una top for sale for £9.99 which had a whacking great non-repairable...