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If my grandaughter (18) carried a Pepper-spray in her bag and HAD to use it would she be prosecuted and what else could be/suggested she carry
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Having recently been made unemployed I've been filling in the mandatory housing benefit forms. One part of this that makes me feel uncomfortable is the councils "right" to access my bank details. Does...
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Hugh Spencer
The July before last I was watering my garden with a hosepipe when my loose-fitting shorts dropped to the ground and my neighbour complained to the police who reprimanded me. Has there been change in...
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if you're involved in a criminal case as the victim are the police obliged to inform you of the outcome of the case? Also a friend had stuff stolen from his car and there are cctv images , my friend...
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My ex partner has recently been charged with battery against me but is pleading not guilty. I have to go to court as a witness. He has previous convictions for the same thing as he has done this to...
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My husband had 9 points on his licence and about 2 months ago got 3 more points which obviously made 12 points. The letter that came from the police asked for him to send his licence along with a...
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beetle bug
Who else thinks all drivers should be made to undertake refresher training every few years? I'm not talking about having to retake your driving test, that would be rather unfair if you've done nothing...
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Which are the most ridiculous unrepealed laws in UK?
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My friend was arrested at home, whilst over the limit (3 times) for alcohol. Her ex-husband knew she had been drinking and called the Police to say she had been driving. He has got his girlfriend to...
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Since my gran died we have discovered some grave plots that were purchased 50 years ago we have discovered that the council have buried two unrelated people in error are we entitled to compensation...
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a couple of weeks ago myself and my husband where having a arguement which got out of hand and resukting to us both hitting each other,some phoned the police who turned up,then someone else got...
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my friend recived a ?80 fix penalty notice for a minor theft of ?5.24 but he gave the wrong name and adress to the police officer, if he gose in to the police station and admit that it was him can he...
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Hi, my mum is splitting from her drunk of a husband and needs to know where she stands re their joint assets. She is seeing a solicitor but I thought someone here may have an idea. Basically he is...
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What is the importance of the deeds to a house? If they went missing or destroyed would this be a problem?
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Ok here's the scenario......... just say : P you were going over the speed limit (only just) and then a letter arrives in the post with an intended prosection letter from the local constabulary, you...
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what is the penalty for committing mortgage fraud and who should it be reported to?
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can anyone please tell me what this mean ?????? Driving or propelling a vehicle and falling to comply with the indication given by a traffic sigh, contrary to section 36 road traffic act 1988.
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Is there a time limit that a bank can chase you for money owed to them. ricracroc
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i was caught by a gatso twice in one minute of each other doing the same speed on the same road , these cameras were 0.5 of a mile apart,is this one or two offences,and is there a certain distance...
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I had a car accident a month ago. No-one else was involved. I slid on some mud on the road and hit a tree, I only received minor injuries and an ambulance was called. The police also arrived. Without...

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