Who would you like to see carrying the Olympic torch on its final leg into the stadium, and lighting the Olympic flame? I would like it to be Sir Steve Redgrave
I have been given an oldish Toshiba satellite laptop that is running so slow it is unbelievable, as there is nothing on it that I want I went into add/remove programs and took off loads of stuff (its...
A friend of mine runs a small country pub just on the outskirts of a town, she has a small amount of business people in for lunch on most weekdays but a few of them have mentioned that they would...
At one time I used to use Outlook Express for emails but for various reasons have to use Google's gmail, with Outlook Express I used to be able to have my own stationery (with my company logo) in the...
I'm thinking of going for a specialist courier job advertised on the Monster Employment website. The blurb has all the usual hype about how much you can earn without shelling anything out for stock...
I quite often print photos that I have taken on to good quality (Epson) photo card so that I can show my friends, the problem is with the hot days peoples hands get moist with the heat and when they...
I have just seen the ad for the above and it seems to feature the duo "Black Lace" who had a number of hits with party records quite a few years ago, but is that really them in the ad as...
Just had a letter from HSBC saying they are upgrading personal internet banking security. This involves the use of a Secure Key which is supposed to generate a new security code every time it's used....
Mine is one of the sleaziest pubs in town - no fancy drinks, ice, lemon etc. The landlord makes Basil Fawlty look magnanimous and it was last decorated circa 1990...but the characters that frequent it...
A neighbour in our street has a spare double furnished & En-suit bedroom now that her daughter has got married and left home, we are in an area with a few military bases, training hospitals etc....
I'll try and word this as best as I can..... What is the probability of you playing the SAME 6 numbers since the lottery first started and never have won anything? e.g. if you played 1,2,3,4,5,6 every...
How is it that when you delete or remove programs (using control panel/add or remove programs) on Windows XP it shows them as being deleted but if you go into system restore to an earlier date they...
I've just returned to Virgin cable (basic V HD box) after a gap of a few years, and there is a minor thing that I miss: with the old boxes there was a setting to change the display to show the time...
I will soon be in the market for a new car but I need one with a level floor in the boot space (no lip on the boot) as I find it difficult to lift things such as heavy shopping etc. over it, I know...
Working on the assumption that you can record BBC programs on a home video recorder/PVR can anybody explain the logic behind not being able to record from the BBC Iplayer service if you missed the...