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This one has us stumped -What adjective is applied to a mettlesome or spirited horse ? [4-4] y-ng y-ng Help much appreciated.
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Wow, this is amazing - a pity eccles didn't come up with it earlier !!! Lots of Lance Corporal, a few Angora Wool, not too many on the Chain Gang and the Temple Block had no takers at all. So for the...
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Good morning everyone - Welcome to a new month of linking and a new style to go with it. This month is a trial one, just to see how everybody feels about the scoring system as we have adopted the...
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What is the lustre of a pearl [6] o---n- I thought this was nacre but obviously not. many thanks
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Good morning everyone !! Through the magic of cyberspace and the advantage of having friends in high places - I am able to bring you this morning's matches and they are - Crown Prince Arm Chair...
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As a number of you are already aware, a new scoring system has been put forward for the players, particularly in view of the fact that not everyone has access to the online version of the Crossword...
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Good morning everyone - are we all ready for the final week of this contest ?? I'll do my best to post this thread to appear as close to 6.30am as possible, and then the night owls can post the link...
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Could you post the website address for me please ?? I've looked in a couple of times and loved it, but have managed to mislay the above somewhere - typical !! Catch up with you soon, S
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Ready and waiting for this morning's matches to be posted........S
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Well, cliffyg has certainly got the jump on us this morning - there's probably not too much point in my rabbiting on, everyone knows how the contest goes, but in deference to Aquagility's...
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Just in case you haven't had a chance to check yet - KM zles/Question724139.html and for MM
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Good morning all - I'm making an early start today just in case !! So, for the night owls or the early risers, here's the spot for those matches and I won't be too far away. Thanks S
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Good morning all - I'm making an early start today just in case !! So, for the night owls or the early risers, here's the spot for those matches and I won't be too far away. Thanks S
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As always when I get to this point each Saturday, the question uppermost in my mind is not whether the Telegraph has or hasn't produced the crossword online, rather it's will AB be kind and allow this...
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Last one - 11a.Musical terminology meaning 'very' and instruction to perform very briskly [5] i-s-i.
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As usual, just organizing the spot for this morning's 'early riser' to put the matches from Herculis. Aquagility - I hope your cold is better and that you've been taking all the necessary [liquid]...
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Good morning everyone.I trust all are well and fighting fit today and ready for a new month's contest. Now having no idea whether or not the crossword was available at midnight the time of posting...
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Just in case you haven't had a chance to check here are the links, just for you. zles/Question716832.html and for MM -...
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Whenever this morning's matches come to hand, I'll be very pleased to have them and here's the place to put them.
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Last one and getting nowhere - 3down: Yiddish snack of dough, containing savoury filling, fried or baked [5] -n-s- any help much appreciated

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