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Good morning everyone - well we've had some much needed rain in the past couple of days which has brightened things up enormously .... and brought the weeds on no end !! If we get a couple of... ...
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Guess what !! The Telegraph doesn't know it's Saturday yet - we have the usual hold up, I'll keep checking and get back when I've something sensible to post 🤔😳😩
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Good morning everyone - our lovely days continue- I know, it's getting to be a bore, but the nasty stuff will turn up soon enough and then I'll be bleating miserably 😢😢 As for the links - they... ...
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Good morning everyone - and our spell of lovely weather continues - sunny days, cool nights, and luckily very little wind - I'd be happy with this on a long term basis, with an occasional downpour... ...
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Sorry folks - same problem yet again - I'll keep on checking and get back as soon as I can 🙄
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Good morning everyone - not looking too bad out there today, a pleasant 22d, sunshine and a breeze...lovely !!
  ok now for the links ....not quite so bright - Scape Goat Counter Sign Swivel Chair Tune... ...
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Good morning everyone - well after a real stinker of a day yesterday ( 39 ) at least today is cooler, with a nice breeze, so life will be much better for a few days to come ....trouble is, it's a... ...
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Sorry folks, the Telegraph hasn't switched over to the 11/Nov. yet .... Twix - if you happen to be around and could do the honours for me, it would be much appreciated xx
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Good morning everyone - and a lovely 🌞 day here, just perfect weeds, here I come !!
  And the links 🎉🎉 Crab Apple Hand Bill Stage Craft Roof Rack Ooh, lots of lovely points !!
Bonus Points for... ...
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Good morning everyone - and it's a lovely sunny day here, with almost no wind ....ok it's a breeze but I can live with that !!
I'm beginning to think our climate has several screws loose though,... ...
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Here are today's shaded clues for you - 10a. Autumnally bobbed from a bucket of water with ones teeth etc. (5) 49a. A written statement, such as that attesting to the health of a person or a ships... ...
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Good morning everyone - I don't want to say this too loudly.....but it's actually raining out there today !!!!
And that wretched wind is no where in sight....even better 😃😃 Now for the links... Polka... ...
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Good morning everyone - not a bad morning here today, it's sunny and a bit breezy but shouldn't be too bad to be outside, definitely having to water as there's no rain on the horizon, more's the... ...
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Here are today's shaded clues for you -15a. One of the points appearing on a clock face to mark the hour or any other small round symbol, such as a full stop (3) 42a  Terra firma or other solid... ...
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Good morning everyone - hey, we have a nice day here today after a pretty ordinary weekend - blowing gales and that's about it so it's out with the hoses to try to save some of my plants 🥵 A good... ...
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Good morning -  not too bad here today- sunny, cool and a bit windy but all in all, quite tolerable. I've decided there's no point in complaining - if you do, it turns right around and kicks you... ...
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Here are today's shaded clues for you - 12a A fine strand of embroidery silk etc (6) 49a From the Latin for  'neck' a Bertha, chevesaile, choker, ring of leather etc (6) 8d. ,,,,,a word for attire,... ...
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Good morning everyone - still rather grey and dreary, a bit of rain but nothing to get excited about ....a pretty bleak outlook for the start of the week 😩 on the other hand, the links positively... ...
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Good morning everyone - bit on the dreary side here today, no wind which is good and drizzly which is really no use to anyone !!
Plus my paper didn't arrive (again ) so that did nothing for my... ...
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Here are today's shaded clues for you - 10a A single fishling or fingering, children, froglets, salmon hatching etc(3) 15a A tortoise-like marine Chelonia etc (6) 32a Named after a shellfish and once... ...

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