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Good morning everyone - nice looking day here, sun shining, light breeze ….definitely an improvement, particularly on Tuesday, when it steadily teemed then blew a gale and stripped lots of the...
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Here are todays shaded clues for you - 27a from the Latin ‘duo’ meaning two, a quantity that is twice the amount, number or size. (6) 36a. Thermal energy transferred by conduction, convection or...
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Good morning everyone - a public holiday here but nobody told the weather - not cold, but overcast and the rain is hanging around …too bad for picnics etc !! Me …I’m staying put, out of the madhouse...
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Good morning everyone - the sunny days are here for a short spell, very nice for a long weekend and an extra day to recover from the clocks going forward….but then, just in time for the school...
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Here are todays shaded clues for you - 17a. The main colour of the scented snap- dragon like bumblebee attracting ‘butter and eggs’ flowers of the common toadflax. (6) 27a. LP, 45 or 78 or other discs...
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Good morning everyone - a bit on the grey side today, no wind to speak of and no rain so far ….that could all change but as I have people digging up the pipes at the back, I’m hoping not !! Amazing...
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Good morning everyone - sun is shining brightly but still quite a chill in the air ….I’m planning on getting out into the garden later, before the inevitable rain comes back down the track. Here are...
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Here are todays shaded clues for you - 17a. A household’s collective kith and kin living together as a social unit. etc.(6) 43a. One’s bearing or deportment, a pram for a baby, etc. (8) 52a. Track or...
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Good morning everyone - it’s not looking too bad out there today, thankfully the wild and woolly stuff has gone for now, my wisteria is starting to flower ….what a lovely sight and it brings back the...
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Good morning everyone - that wretched wind is back with a vengeance so outdoors is not an option, even though the sun is shining …..if yesterday is anything to go by, that won’t last. Grumble, grumble...
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Here are todays shaded clues for you - 13a. Vessel such as a cockle shell, coracle, gondola, or punt, or a saucier for serving gravy etc. (4) 16a. Word used to describe delicate or intricate...
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Good morning everyone - today started off ok, but the clouds have rolled in and there’s more of the wet stuff on the way ……plus I’ve got tradies coming in to do all sorts - won’t that be fun !! We had...
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No spoilers but .....what a fantastic final .... magic tennis, no tantrums, or swearing, this is where men’s tennis is heading, I’m all for it !!!!!!!...
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Good morning everyone - the rain has cleared for a while which is nice - I can get outside and see what’s been washed away…a few calm sunny days would be a real treat !! Now for the links- LIFE PART...
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Here are todays shaded clues for - 13 a. Word, related to the German for ‘body’ for one’s course of existence, fauna and flora collectively, a painting of a real rather than imaginary model, or a...
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Good morning everyone - this is not shaping up to be a good one at al and I have a feeling it won’t improve anytime soon. So far, I’ve been unable to find that I can download and print off a hard copy...
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Good morning everyone - just setting this up in the hope that someone will post todays links when they become available….so far, I’m not able to access todays puzzle from the Telegraph so we must just...
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Not the usual post - atm I can only access last weeks puzzle. Not sure why etc so will keep trying and get back to you :)
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Good morning everyone - well it’s Monday and the rain has just started and it means business !! Add to that a pretty dire result with our links and I can see three very good reasons why going back to...
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Good morning everyone - a rather dreary start here ….it’s overcast and they promised sunshine and those clowns who supposedly delivery my paper have either hidden it somewhere or just haven’t bothered...

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