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Went to the vets on tuesday for a check up on his progress and we decided all round to keep him on this diet as we had kind of diagnosed an asphagus dialation and that was what we were treating him...
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Good morning everyone - to what will be a somewhat delayed version of the results. Though I realise it's pretty early for most of you, there may be one or two who have already finished the Herculis...
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52a City in the east-central province of Ontario, Canada [6] I have -s-a-a and any help would be appreciated.
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Welcome to the second week in the reign of “Princess Di” (aka grannydi) as I continue with my personal history covering the next three decades of my life. I spent my teenage years at a...
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Good morning everyone - ready for another assault on the link words today ?? Well, I don't like our chances of the bonanza of points scored last week, given the words Kate has provided for us, unless...
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The weekend is here! no frost or fog. Can only be good. Have a good day everyone.
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Just wondering how Bob is. Hope he had a comfortable weekend.
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I have just bought my kids a goldfish. Unfortunately, its epileptic. The odd thing is as long as it is in the bowl, its fine The second the kids take it out the bowl to play fetch, it has a seizure....
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Who's having a lie-in? C'mon, up and at 'em, it is Monday after all!!!...
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Good morning everyone - I do hope you've all had a pleasant weekend and facing the new week relaxed and well-rested after the hijinks of Saturday morning, when she-who-shall-remain-nameless tried to...
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Good morning everyone and welcome to the first week of the new contest, which in between everything else we'll try to pack into this busy month, we'll somehow try and remember to do each Saturday...
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First of all, I must thank ‘crofter’ who has guided me through the process of running MM Links, he has been far from well since returning to this ‘cold country’, as he puts it....
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anyone up?
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David Black
A great morning to all daughter off to London at 7am so I am up early. Pot of tea at my desk, check AB and the papers.
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So sad tonight, my poor little dog, who is 14, and has been diabetic for nearly 4 years now, is now blind and hard of hearing, and quite confused, he has always been so clean, never having any...
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morning all ,WBM is still feeling poorly but hopes to be back soon sends his best to you all , have a good day xx
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Mr George Michael ! That lovely Chrissy song Last Christmas, us girls imagined being ther in the log cabin with the roaring fire and frolicking in the snow with a flaxen haired Adonis ! It was a sham,...
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well , wot about youse

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