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Welcome to the first of what I hope will be five weeks of sheer fun and frivolity as guests of Her Serene Highness, the Princess Stephanie in her own country, far away across the sea. This royal title...
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Well, what a good start to this morning this has been - not !!!!! Isn't it always the way - when you need something to run smoothly, the poltergeists are out and about, gumming up the works, For...
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Cead mile failte everyone. (that's Irish for 100,000 welcomes), It looks like it could be a good 'un here in Gloucestershire today. I'm glad about that as we are at the Heritage Centre today, it's...
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FAO All Frankie's supporters. I've left a message on the original thread. He's snoring away in his basket just now. Love to everyone. Schutz.
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Good morning everyone - I'll have to be on the brief side with this or I'll miss the 7.00am slot. For your consideration, the clues were posted a while back and now for the words WASP HAPPY CLAY LEAF...
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Good morning everyone, from a rather soggy South Oz, we have had some wonderful rain since late last week, with a promise it will continue for at least a day or two more. Although not really...
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This final week in the reign of Baron Brian proved a little more difficult to score points although the scoring was quite respectable. Based on the theme The Building Site, the link words were: Pick...
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Weather still not settled in Central Med......when IS the summer coming? Another day of TV sport. Have a nice day all.
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you people do not understand the meaning of anzac day and you fail to understand how the people of new zealand and australia contributed to us winning the last war however i dont wish an arguement so...
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Alas, it is Week 4 of the reign of Baron Brian and my month of glory is nearing an end. At least the flow of points to the early birds has been relentless and ex-champions of MM Links have shown their...
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Look what I've found ... /ladies-collection/travel-accessories/travel-b ags/919-st-tropez-cabin-bag-in-ascot-pink-jewe l-calf Now that IS jolly !! (It's...
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Waterboatman's thread has disappeared - bet he's been overposting again! So morning once again everyone xxx
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Cloudy and dull (well, it is still dark!) here in Gloucestershire. We could have a drop of the wet stuff later. despite that, have a good day one and all.
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Making an effort this time not to have the post buried so far back that people were unable to find it. Another week with four very matchable words, no curlies, but lots of possibles - in the end they...
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31a. A violet or red dye used as a source of litmus, obtained from lichen (6), O-C-I- Could be orcein or orchil. Any views?
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21d city near San Francisco. I thought it was San Jose, but that doesn't fit with 27a Bob Dylan !! Any ideas anyone ?
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1. Rustic Italian green sauce ,made with olive oil,vinegar,garlic,parsley,capers,and anchovies?2.Small metal finger cymbals used in Cambodia and Thailand ffor dance and theatre?
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got to leave early and need help with last two 4. Climbing shrub with highly fragrant white flowers ???M?I? 5. Division of a large and complex organisation ???N?E (last one links with OLIVE
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Hi all. I have to go to court again today as my violent ex husband is wanting contact with our small son. To cut a very long story short he was granted contact but since as messed it up and started...
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Good morning everyone - here we are already at the third week of April - goodness, doesn't time fly !! So far the new format seems to be meeting with most people's approval and it's very nice to...

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