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Having suffered another migraine today, with the full coloured flashing lights even when I closed my eyes, I got to wondering whether blind people suffer from migraines and if so, do they 'see' the...
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Ickle Bug
I promised to let you know how our Olly got on. Very sadly he went back to the vets who confirmed our worst fears. He had become so very ill so quickly, the drug treatment didn't work and he just...
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New Generalist on line now ...and guess who won it last month !
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The swelling has subsided a little now, but could we use a slightly different approach next time, just to be on the safe side and save on plastic. xxx.
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Lie-in King
I've no idea if this'll get posted, but if it does, I'm saying goodnight to everyone. It seems that my answers are no longer required by the AB powers-that-be, and they've wiped all my posts from...
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Was watching a film last night and I was wondering who played a certain character so I watched for the credits at the end. When they came up they were immediately squished to the side while the...
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my girlfriend had a baby 2 weeks ago. How long do you reckon it will take before we can start having intimate sessions again?
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And a very Good Morning to all the early risers - I hope you've had a good weekend and that the sun is shining at least somewhere in the UK this morning. Too early I think for the KM Link words just...
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pet hamster fell and isnt using his back end. Is there a chance he can get well again or is it definately a vet job? Kimx
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Ickle Bug
Hi, I took my dog in for his annual booster and less than 24 hours later my dog became extremely ill. He has been bleeding from the stomach and tests show he has critically low blood platlets. The vet...
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This third week of the reign of Queen Jan of Many Titles began with perfect timing ~ which is not as easy as it sounds. The AB clock is often out of synch with any PC and adjustments need to be made....
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"Good morning" to all my loyal subjects, hope you are all well this fine morning! Once again, this is Queen Jan the Foremost of the Shrubbery launching the third week in my reign with four more...
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Heavens, Week 3 already !!! The speed at which these months pass by is positively hair-raising !! before long, people will start muttering about Christmas - Help !! And, typically, winter has...
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Too early for even the keenest of our flock to be out and about, buying newspapers and solving the Herculis, but as I was here mulling over my failure to score anything with Queen Jan's obscurities,...
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As quite a few of you know, my daughter was expecting twins, however we were recently advised that she was having what is termed a Mono-amniotic pregnancy, and that the outcome wasn't great. During...
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36d Time in TV schedules after which adult themes are permissible (9) ?a?e?s?e? Many thanks
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Last one, well nearly - 36d Time in the television schedules after which adult programmes may be shown - I've either got something wrong or it's a term I don't know - any night owls, I'd be grateful
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Winding up or down after a very busy week of action here in the Antipodes - too many lunches, too much bubbly and much too much money spent trying to back winners during the Spring Racing carnival -...
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Hi everybody! This is Queen Jan the Foremost of the Shrubbery launching the second week in my reign with four more tempting links for you lot to ponder over. I hope you were not caught on the hop...
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The Rod Marsh trophy was recently won playing what?

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