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jonny 4232
Does anybody know the name of the song in the film 'Man in Fire' when the little girl is dancing around with her little bear and then jumps on the bed after Creasy starts to build a friendship with...
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I was watching some of it the other night, and one of the girls looked extremely familar, though i couldn't rcall where i had seen her before. It was the girl that the blonde guy was after! Sorry if...
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I talk to my teddy bear in a jokey way but my partner says i've lost the plot(half joking). Does anyone else talk to there teddy's?
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where would be a good place/area to stay in san francisco and is it a safe place to walk around at night?
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we were given one of those plain yellow italian cakes in the box and dont like it as it is so has anyone got any recipes that we can use it in to turn it into a desert
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Me and my husband separated three months ago. He moved out our jointly owned family property and I live there now with our three children. We were already struggling to afford the house and used our...
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Did anybody else watch this on Tuesday night and notice that one girl was not mentioned or focused on at all. I am sure her name wasn't mentioned and the reason why she was there. She was quite tall...
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Bewlay Bros
Would you do this or would you be a cowardly custard? (tiggers gave me the idea)
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am i the only person who gets affected by other peoples behaviour towards me i mean when a mate lets u down does it effest your mood ? mabye im too sensitive
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All you people who are good with IT will no doubt think I'm stupid, but my mouse has gone a bit bananas! I can't control it p0roperly and it's all jerky. What's wrong please? It's a remote mouse...
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Teenage gangs, violence (part of their culture laak know wot I meen laak) Who gives a sh!te anymore ? I certainly don't. While the yoofs kill each other I don't give a sh!te. South London is going to...
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Hi all Im starting to wash a few bits for the baby, mainly babygros etc. for hospital back which i want ready. I was wondering does everything need washing beforehand besides clothes and towels i.e...
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has anyone used e45 cream on itchy irritated skin? did it work ? is it worth buying? thanks xx
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Just started on channel 4 for them who missed it the first time.
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grrrrrrrrr, parked in town today and only had a ?1 coin in change and so put it in the meter, got me ticket, no change, there was a man in a grey uniform with a red band round his hat and i asked him...
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well i ive sat here tonight, felt a little bit low and then i had a chat with my wonderful friend helliebobs, she had me laughing till the tears were rolling down my cheeks so i just want to say thank...
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i have a long drive ahead of me to some inane conference rubbish, what cassettes should i take with me to play in my cortina what is good driving music, i quite like Engelbert humperdinck
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mrs x
husband and father of our 2 young children moved out of family home 18 mnths ago....has been paying mortgage , no other payments.... we were going through mediation he wants a 60/40 split, of house...
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Just come back, if you are even just thinking of going, then do it, it is just such an amazing place, a real one off also go on a gondola,you get a completely different perspective than if you just go...
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I travelled to the usa last year june 07 and came back sep 07. I then went back a week later as i was going to New York with friend. The would not let me back in and told me i had to go to london to...

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