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Ok, my ex broke up with me 5 months ago and ever since then he is in my dreams almost every night! Never normally anything major and I guess its just a habit as I was with him for 5yrs so my brain...
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im new in here, but cant help noticing there are one or two people that seem to enjoy picking on others. well doesnt that make them real BIG ? having read through loads of questions and answers, there...
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Why is he allowed to get with his abusive,racist remarks? I have taken more than I can stand with this person and in these small hours I have actually stooped to his level trying to fight fire with...
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can someone tell me what causes water retention tia
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.Mr T.
I apologise to anyone I have lost my temper with on Answerbank in the last 24 hours. But some have been very unpleasant. This is my last post ever on here. Goodbye
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.Mr T.
Are you very very ugly in real life? You sound like it on here.
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Do you think it is selfish for a lesbian to have a baby just because she wants one?I want a baby and when I am older I hope to have one.Anything wrong with that?
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Or have you just settled for second best, because thats all you could realisticly pull ?
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.Mr T.
Well after my debut night on Answerbank, after being recommended it by a friend, I will not be coming back. I am a very decent human being, like my hero, the real Mr T, and witnessed nothing but aggro...
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Hi not wanting to offend anyone! But what has happened to Answerbank? It used to be really good. . Now its just like a chat room. I
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I am a fairly shy person but was determined when my son started school that I would make a real effort to chat to other Mums. I have always struggled with actually knowing what to talk about with new...
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I was thinking ,lets do limeriks of other AB users.I have done this one: There was a nice lady called BOO' A perfect example to You, She is so nice to me, Because I am wonderful you see, Such a shame...
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I've got a first date tonight with a gurl I've been chattin wit. She's hinted at "coming back to mine" at the end of the night. I REALLY want to because she is hot! But I don't want to give her "that"...
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What do you think of women with tatoo's .I personally think it very unattractive but I could live with ane small one on the arm.
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following on from sarah27's question regarding masturbation! have you ever been in mid flow of masturbation and wondered if you dead friends and relatives are watching?? i think it's called a seance...
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I cannot help but feel sorry for Maxine Carr who prevented the course of justice in a murder case.I can honestly say that if my girlfriend commited a murder I would not tell the police.And before you...
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Anyone else on here suffering from an obsession in their life? I have just pegged my washing out and yet again I have systematically paired all the ankle socks up on the line, not for the first time,...
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I came into that weird thread way too late to understand what was going on... W-M i am fascinated now - were you really doing the Russian thing or were you tarting about? Serious question. Does anyone...
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Following on from Dot's obsession Q. I was wondering if anyone has any food obsessions? Like a certain way they have to eat something? I have to have a bag of crisps with a sandwich and I eat half the...

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