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Preventing the course of justice?

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sexyrussian | 18:04 Mon 15th May 2006 | News
37 Answers
I cannot help but feel sorry for Maxine Carr who prevented the course of justice in a murder case.I can honestly say that if my girlfriend commited a murder I would not tell the police.And before you take the opportunity to be nasty to me in a recent poll 70 percent of women said they would lie if their partner murdered someone.Would you lie if your partner murdered someone?


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More pertinantly, Carr didn't actually know Huntley had committed the murders; he had told her he hadn't and the police interest was a stitch up. Sure, she was incredibly naive and stupid, but hardly in the same league as Myra Hindley as so many try to make out. Still, better not let the facts get in the way of a tabloid witchhunt, eh?

As to whether I would tell the police of my wife committed a murder, I would imagine I'm the most likely victim, so no!!! More sensibly, one can't answer that without knowing the specifics of the murder.
I think if my husband murdered a child my feelings would be different than if he murdered an adult. If he killed an adult I would try to cover for him maybe, but if it was a child no, I would definitely go to the police.

The tabloids certainly held a witch hunt against Maxine Carr and were so effective I'm sure many people have forgotten she was nowhere near Soham at the time of the killings.

As for keeping a secret about such matters, I doubt I would protect a partner, but I know I would protect my daughters from a murder charge, wrong as that may be.

I'd protect my wife without a doubt and without a doubt I think she's protect me, unless it involved killing someone very old, very young or very vulnerable, and the Maxine Carr thing was a really horrible example of the way somone's motive can be twisted.She actually thought he was innocent and did no more than most of us would have done in protecting someone she loved and who she thought was innocent. She was just guilty of being in love and of monumental naievity.

Just to turn it around here, but how understanding would you be if it was your kiddies that had been murdered and someone was obviously telling lies to give the suspect an alibi?

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I think it is very wrong to prevent the course of justice and I would hate any person who did that if a relative of mine was murdered but I cannot help but think that I would lie for my partner if she did a murder.I feel bad that I would but it is the truth.The stuff we will do for love !

PhilBy, I think the point being made was that Maxine supposedly believed that Huntley was innocent, that's entirely different from lieing to protect him.

What is preventing the course of justice?

I take it you mean perverting!

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I always say preventing the course of justice.It means the same thing.

But she did lie to try and protect him BOO, if you can remember back to the case it was her lies that she was with Huntley at the time of the murders that led the police to draw their attention to the near by American air base. When caught out, she first said she lied because she knew that Huntley had been previously been under investigation for rape and she didn't want him to go through all that again, then she changed her story again and said she only lied because he had told her to! It also transpired that at the time she was committing benefit fraud (more lies) and that she had lied on her past job applications......

The last time I remember hearing anything about her was that she was costing �700,000 a year with 24hr police protection, been awarded lifelong anonymity and was demanding that the British Goverment set her up with a new life abroad .................. maybe she was not so naive as some may think? Not that it matters but personally I thought she got off rather lightly given the evidence ..... What would folk be saying if Huntley had killed more children whilst police investigations were elsewhere because of her lies I wonder?

perverting means to deliberately steer off track, to prevent meants to stop - not quite the same thing.

i think its all about circumstances - if i found my husband hunched over some innocent person stabbing away in a frenzy, then i would not protect him, however if he had been attacked and in defending himself kicked the man in the head and it killed him then yes i would.

if he killed the man who had molested his daughter then yes i would protect him - if he stabbed a man for spilling his pint, then no i wouldn't

its all about motive, premeditation, cunning etc etc

I wouldn't lie for my husband/partner if they murdered anyone and i certainly don't feel sorry for Maxine Carr. (Even though she wasn't in Soham at the time of the murders) I feel bad that it's our tax money paying for her new identity. If anyone gets the chance, you should read the book Beyond Evil, it's all about Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr. Sorry if this answer offends anyone. After working on a psychiatric intensive care unit for many years, you soon realise some people are just born evil.

so sexyrussian, you feel sorry for Maxine Carr and you would lie if your girlfriend killed two innocent children?!!! you're either talking rubbish or you aren't worth talking to.

and to answer your question, no of course I wouldn't lie if my partner murdered someone. I doubt I would lie even if it were self defence, but you've really got to be either sick or pathetic to want to stay with and protect someone that deliberately took someone else's life.

I agree with noxlumos, i honestly believe she thought he was innocent, after all, it would be very difficult to contemplate your partner doing something so awful.What about these poor chaps who are falsely accused of rape,i bet their girlfriends/wives wouldn't hesitate to give them an alibi if they firmly believed their innocence.Its the same sort of situation, believing someone you love. i think she is harshley thought of by the public when she didn't do the crime,like WaldoMcFroog said, hardly Hindley, yet you would have thought so if you read the Newspapers.I think they were after the new Hindley and Brady because that sells papers. She was wrong to do what she did, in no uncertain terms, but she has served her time and will live with it forever, even though what she did, didn't cause the murders of those 2 beautiful little angels! Don't believe everything you read in the papers about her.

Completely shocked at some of the replies on this thread.

Lets remember that she was telling lies to the police in a case that concerned the intentional murder of two innocent school children, not some drunken fight where somebody had accidently been killed.

She's a total wrong 'un in my eyes.

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I understand that what she did was terrible but what I am saying is that if my girlfriend murdered a child I would not tell the police bacause I love her to much and would not want to see her hurt.I would not stay with her but because I would still love her I know I would not tell the police and the MAJORITY of women would not tell on their partner it is because love is too strong.
Let me make myself clear, i would NOT protect my husband if he murdered child. There is no way i would give him an alibi if i thought for one second that he had done something so evil. I just think with her, she genuinely believed he hadn't done anything.If she had known, i doubt she would have covered for him. I don't believe what sexyrussian says, that love is too strong. Despite our love for someone, we still know the difference between right and wrong. For me, i wouldn't need to think twice and i'd hope he rotted in hell.All love would fly out of the window the minute i knew he could commit such an evil act..

For those who may be interested in fact rather than sentimental fiction the following is a link what Carr actually said in court..... Slightly different to the intial impression she painted of Huntley before being arrested.....,,1099839,00.html

I wouldnt lie.

Hmmm let's see...

''Honey, please tell the police that I was with you at *insert date* so that they will think I was nowhere near a place where two young girls were murdered''

''Ok dear''

Absolutely no way!!! how on earth could she have believed he was innocent? I take exception to the statement the majority of women would lie to protect the person they love. I am sure the people taking part in this poll would change their mind when push came to shove.

I love my husband & children passionately..but if any of them committed murder I wouldn't lie for them. I had this conversation with my son the other day ~ he was shocked when I told him that not only would I shop him for murder, I would also hand him over to the law if he dealt in drugs.

If only more parents & partners took this stand ~ cases would get solved quicker, justice dealt with swiftly & taxpayers money saved. Maxine Carr doesn't deserve the money spent on her for protection ~ she committed a crime & should live with it.

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