I have been informed by one of my friends that Paulo Di Canio is eligible to play for the England National side. Surley this is nonsense? Any one know of a site that i could verify this (conclusive...
On Radio 4's News Quiz this Saturday ( June 14) there was a question that started with a piece of music and the question asked about an 'old man' what on earth was the piece of music????????
My daughter always says that any attachments i send via email are unable to be opened,(usually jpeg ) , however all my other contacts get them ok. Is there a possible virus prob?
Why the sudden interest in bike riders on the site? and whilst Barry Sheen was a good rider (with an unfortunate tendency to fall off too often) I would like to venture the opinion that the only rider...
Are batteries still giving off energy when they're connected to something? Eg, if I switch my walkman off, but leave my batteries in, will there be less energy than before in the batteries?
Does anyone know which track has the verse 'you know the way I love you - hot digerty'.
I keep hearing it but have no idea what it is or who it's by - Help!!!
LOOK...What is this 42 thing? and what does it have to do with the meaning of life!!??.... JUST ONE PERSON tell me everything about this 42........PLEASE!!!!!!!
Just watched Littlejohn on Sky news and my blood is boiling. If these people dont like our flag, dont like our country etc. etc, then why dont they just take a hike and leave, and see if they could...
Is the Answerbank receiving too many quiz questions? I know that this is a Q & A site, but I keep on seeing the same questions cropping up. Maybe a Quiz section would help, or am I being too fussy?
I am thinking of replacing my trusty old HP pav with something a bit faster, probably a whole new tower. Afraid I'm a bit cynical as far as salespeople go, and would appreciate advice on the type of...
Will they ever hit the heights of 'The Bends' or 'OK Computer' again? I have listened to their new album, and while they are starting back down the road towards guitars and away from experimental...