How widely is the metric system used in the USA? I know that NASA use kilometres/hour etc. but is the system used in other engineering projects or by schools and colleges?
A player hits his tee shot at a par 3 and it stops on the green, 2 feet from the hole. When he gets to the ball, the player marks it, puts his ball in his pocket and waits for his fellow competitor to...
the answers are all loosly connected to entrances and exits O G - at his birth the world shook T B - A small troupe of them fell through cosmic holes L L - left suddenly after trouble with nanny A L S...
26 down 8 letters one of falstaffs inferior officers in several plays by shakespeare many thanks 33 across 7 letters republic se europe bordered by ukraine and romania many thanks
Belgian city historically famous for its lace (7) -e-h-i- In physics, the observable effect of light moving away from a massive body..........(8,5) -i-s-e-n, -h-f- (I assume the second word is shift)...
I HATE MORNINGS! I really, really struggle to get up - I am now thinking that I have got myself into a routine that isn't helping the situation. I have to be up at 7 but set my alarm clock 20 mins...
I have a friend who says he lives in a City; there is a Cathedral but no University. Is he misinformed or a pathological liar? Does anyone know which City is the smallest in the UK?