Unbelievable - a 100 yards, a kilometer or even ten miles too far. What the hell does...
What was the coulor ? Tell us a bit about it. (Note: This question has been put previousy a few years ago, but heyho we've probably got a different population here since it was last done.) Mine was a...
My parents have separate wills. My mother passed away recently. The wills are identical. On it it says that the property will be passed to my father and then to the two sons. However my brother does...
wonder how much water is wasted trying to turn on and find the right temperature of the shower in a hotel room - took me about ten minutes this morning as the controls were just two square blocks with...
OH is cooking a couple of different Happy Elephant curries which I think he might have purchased in Aldi. Wine TBC.
What's tickling your taste buds this Saturday?...
Good morning everyone - definitely not the best here, very noisy in fact ….I’ve had a thunderstorm sitting on top of my house for nearly and hour and my aged Kelpie Missy does not like it at all !!...
My daughter wants these...or oatmeal coloured. I've looked almost everywhere in town, including tkmaxx and Marks and Spencer, plus Amazon. Nothing plain available. Lots of patterns which are a no-no....
How come it’s always Friday? What keeps happening to all of the other days of the week? I collected my new specs from Asda this afternoon and I’m clearly having difficulty in reading questions...
Basically I went on a date with someone from a dating app yesterday didn't go well and he shorter than me but sometimes you can't tell in pics. I also didn't enjoy his company. He messaged me after...
photos from a mobile phone to a laptop. I have a Samsung Galaxy A12 mobile phone and a Dell laptop. i have a cable that i am sure i used before with my old phone, but it doesn't fit the one I have...
Great watching him and Wendy Richards back in the day...
I wonder how many Abers are British and how many are from overseas. I would guess most are British but...?. In your answer please say where you are....