I've worked in retail for sixteen years and I'm sick of it. I'm considering working in a call centre, but I've heard it's a tedious job. I'm literally tired of standing around and picking up after...
A few nights ago I stated that I'm unable to post a link. Well, after attempting loads of times (what I was advised to do) I still can't! I used to be able to just by typing it out. Also, there used...
I want to buy a Bluetooth dongle. Should I stick to a well known brand, i.e. Belkin, or would it be safe to buy a cheaper make? Also, what meter range should I go for?
I'd just listed an item on eBay and when I went to revise it I noticed it said I had 5 visits. It was only submitted a few seconds - what's that all about?!
Would it be safe to take Agnus Castus along with Evening Primrose Oil? I've been taking Agnus Castus for PMT and it's helping my moods, but I still have tender breasts and have heard Evening Primrose...
I have a 'limited' account on our family computer and when trying to play the Sims I cannot do certain things, such as create a new person! Yet the administrator can. Is there a way round this?