my boyfriend at the time who i was living with beat me up. after he had gone to work i left for my parents house. from there i contacted the police. they managed to arrest him after they had to break...
Its not one of the best soaps at moment so i havent been watchin it untill lastnight when i saw Carl vist a grave with barraclagh (appologise 4 spellin) on, well isnt that the coper he was seein? and...
Rumour has it that there are farmers that deliver food directly to your door. They send 'random' seasonal veg via post for a fee. Is this true? Does anyone know any websites?
Since the Japanese girl a few weeks ago I have decided to watch X Factor this evening. Did anybody see the pregnant bird?? What a lovely voice but also what scum. Did you espy the black gammy teeth?...
I typed a great long question on here a while ago and now it has disappeared! My partner's ex has spent the last 6 years , off an on, being fairly horrid to me. My partner and his ex split up 8 years...
80,000 campaine to find maddy british police to put questions to mc canns .they now have best PR man in place.max will help get truth what ever out come .
Two years ago I got a three year driving ban after been done for drink driving and failure to supply a breath sample. It was 3 years because it was a 2nd offence. I also did community service. Is it...
I was brought up by Mr and Mrs X, but at age 11 discovered that Mrs X wasn't my mum, and then had to go to my real mum, Mrs Y, on my birth certificate it states that Mrs Y and Mr X are the parents. It...
just suppose they have committed the perfect crime, they seddate there children and give maddy to much,being both doctors they would know d n a ,would be used they hatch a plan to say she has been...
I do care, really I do. I'm not just asking this to be popular, I really really want to know what you are all having for dinner because it might influence what I have for dinner.
The other night on TV, maybe the news, not sure, there was an item showings models parading the catwalk. Their feet crossed over markedly as they walked.They sway funny as well. Does anybody REALLY...
got three nuts off car wheel to get puncture fixed. There's always one isn't there? it won't budge looks rusty and i don't want to end up rounding the nut or i'll never get it off. any help out there?
Watching the terrible pictures on the news of starving children and 80% unemployment rates, etc, what exactly IS Robert Mugabe hoping to achieve by torturing his own people? Is it some form of ethnic...
i think a mccann section would be a good idea as a lot of people seem to post about it i couldn't care less about the mccann situation but clearly many do and as i care deeply about ab i hope this...
If you look on the Daily Mail's website now (I can't post a link, it's not working) it says that a very respectable French paper has confirmed that she died from an overdose, according to the bodily...
We put our faith in justice but it let us down. What to do next? The scum living next door but one to my brother in law is celebrating getting away with beating his head to a pulp with a shovel and...