Hello I very much like watching tennis, but do not undersand the scoring, I have looked on the net, and i couldn't find any help for the spectator, only for the players. I hear names like love, what...
We are thinking of signing up for Freeview and wondered whether we would have to get a new aerial - the one we have at the moment is ancient! If we would need a new aerial, has anyone any idea how...
never a penalty in a million years. frickin refereeing this year is abismal. the ref was knackered and didnt want extra time. cheating ba$tards. nuff said
call me sad, but i was wondering, because i am going 2 wimbledon this saturday, it clashes with englands match, does anybody know if they are gonna be showing the match on the wimbledon grounds at...
just watched this and yet again it scared the bejesus out of me!! but is anyone else annoyed that they go for an ad break every 10 mins and its always when "something" is happening?
saw a vid of nightwish earlier on tv can,t remember song but video seems to be from a movie with monsters.a bit indiana jones come raiders of lost ark ish. anyone know the movie please?
i posted a few lyrics from a song last week but have still not found who it was by and what it is called. it has these lyrics in it live by the river or find me by the river it was played on kerrang...
What is the name of this carlos santana song that is played 30 secs into the video that can be found at this link. http://media.eskildsen.dk/eskildsen/Tyros/Tyro s2demo.wmv thanks inadvance i really...
is ther some where to watch or down load movies for free that are at least newer then the ones my mom watched as a kid.every where I look on the net for free movies the movies seem to be frome around...
Can anyone think of a funny caption for this picture; http://outnow.ch/Media/Img/2003/PiratesOfTheCa ribbean/movie.fs/06?w=1400&h=935 Tonnes of thanks in advance! xxx