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Right Im a left winger but I do believe in some right wing policies! But this one is the one that always gets me unstuck! Ok so was reading about the famous 3 guys 1 hammer viral and how evil these 3...
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Ok so watched my favourite film of all time last night (Aliens!) and they go toa planent that they have put a processor on to make the atmosphere habitable by humans. Is this complete fiction and is...
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ok prob complete science fiction here. But if we found another planet and its make up was 'like' ours in that it was oxygen and carbon dioxide that made up the atomosphere theh how different could the...
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Anyone wanna make any predictions for tomorrows budget? Mine is CGT at 40% and personal allowance to be reduced. Reinstatement of taper relief. fuel, cigs and alcohol to be hammered again!...
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sherminator its funny cause its true!...
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no baiting no arguments wanted! Just genuinely interested in what your thoughts are on drawing muhammed. Someone else (who is muslin) has said that it is not forbidden to draw him? can you let me know...
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Just got this yesterday just looking for peoples opinions on it. am on 3rd mission and its so different from the previous games!!! am used to charging in all guns blazing and you have to really think...
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Am thinknig of gettting one and just wanted peoples opinions on them? Thank you...
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on another thread you claimed 'Evolution has no aims, intentions or necessities. It just happens.' I thought *(now as having never read a book on the subject Will freely admit i'm very naive on...
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sherminator Looks like god has a twisted sense of humour with his 'homosexual' disease!...
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Squad if you could help would be much appreciated. I got punched in the chest and its bloody agony!! Am wondering whether its worth bothering a doctor about? I cant breathe properly i cant roll over...
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anyone else can answer of course but I know they will have something good to say on this! Righ as far as i know in the bible it is hinted at that homosexuality is against god? As far as i know it is...
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Just wondering allowed as usual. But if god made everything he made all the diseases and made people be born with illness' Are doctors going to hell for undoing his good work? Everytime a doctor cures...
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Lil bit purposefully controversial this(but then compared to what some of our right wingers regularly post on this site i dont even know why i put that disclaimer on!) Tories couldn't get a majority!...
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Apologies for hijacking the religion thread! Jake i'm sure it was you who said this but can't quite remember.... You said something about Northern Ireland being created was an accident or a bit of...
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So have just started seeing a girl and we really like each other... in 2 months she is going home and will be 350 miles away! its such a weird feeling because we both agreed we would be going out...
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sherminator I was proper welling up at this! Ive never heard anything so horrifc inall my life! i hate the thought of a pointless death and this just shocks me to my...
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Ok call me stupid(many do) but if you WERE going to teach the above in schools....(me thinking aloud now) surely the lesson would be "god made everything" the end? Or is there a lot more in...
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Think I caught most of this and was very impressed. He seems really likeable and as usual thats always what leaves a lasting impression! anyone else see this?...
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sherminator I find this absolutely shocking! No question just a bit of early morning venting!...

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