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My mate is picking me up in twenty minutes and I haven't got a clue where to go but it I have to choose - help! Anyone out there from the Midlands who can help with (serious) suggestions?
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watching her i wondered. anyone ever been in that position? walking away from a home a job a whole life? do you think you could do it? could you take the steps to leave it all? or would you crumble at...
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How quick does a quickie have to be?
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Can anyone please tell me the benefits of gel or acrylic nails? Which would you choose. I had acrylic a few years ago and they ruined my real nails.
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I have very lucid dreams every night and often experience recurring dreams but last night I had a completely unusual dream. Before I get set upon for being a perve, this is completely genuine. Me and...
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Now chatterbank is back, I am sipping a nice glass of red wine whilst comtemplating my tax return - lovely... what's everyone else doing? Looking for stimulating chat to taker my mind of the tax issue...
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Does anyone know if any legal requirements or qualifications are needed to open a property letting agency? Many thanks
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Is there anything interesting that anyone wants to talk about? It's Saturday, for once, I'm not working, looking for entertaining chat! Is it out there?
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Panic Button
Watching the news today has made me think. The smoking ban in public places is to protect people from the damaging effect of other people's smoke. It seems there is now clear statistical evidence of a...
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dan no1
i have a telephone interview tomorrow morning, any ideas as to what questions they might ask me? its for customer service advisor for british gas. thanks
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This probably comes across as really lame but I guess you'll soon tell me. People see me as a confident, capable person with get up and go but the reallity is quite different. I'm 42, 5'10",...
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The sites I've been to only have a few houses in my street, not all. Of course I want to be nosey and find out what my neighbour paid! Is there a site where I can find all sales? Is there a reason I...
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Doc Spock
Just seen a neighbour(female) come home with shopping. She is always off work sick with depression. She works(sometimes) in benefit fraud section of DSS. You could not make it up could you. Lazy...
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AB Asks
A professor has argued that many patients are being treated for depression when really they are just 'down in the dumps'. The symptoms of depression vary greatly from feeling tired, feeling blue to...
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What are you all up to tonight? I'll probably be having a quiet night in with nice chilled glass of something, how about you?
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I've just got back into reading, can anyone recommend a book you think everyone should read before they die? Would post in Literature but it's as quiet as a library in there!
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Anyone got on?, what are they like?, im due an upgrade and do not know what to have.
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What do men want out of a relationship? Tried marriage, tried long-term, tried weekend relarionships but none of these fit, is this my fault for having high expectations or being a psycho woman, just...
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hau kola
Where is everybody,shout up!

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