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This is from a very old magazine. Quote" In the morn when I rise,I open my eyes tho' I ne'er sleep a wink all night. If I wake e'er so soon,I still lie till noon,and pay no regard to the light.I have...
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Can anybody supply the answer to this riddle. "In the morn when I rise,I open my eyes tho I ne'er sleep a wink all night.If I wake e'er so soon,I still lie till noon and pay no regard to the...
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34 a bcell or tcell I can't make up my mind
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bloody hell its hard this week! 19a mystery religion of greece from 6tth century bc ?r?h?s? 30a latin as below indictaing a later appearance in a book ?? ?n??? 36a this is really stumping me scottish...
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8D organometallic compound such as tetraethyl lead (a?k?l) and 26D Eastern Christian in communion with Rome (u?i?t) Thanks in advance
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Hi, is it me or is today's very difficult? 9a ?a???a?? 11a ??n?g?n?s?
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ok here goes ive got quite a few im stuck on heres the first lot 32a cowardliness or disloyalty r?c?e?n?e 35a childish or slang word for horse ??e ?e? 50a one who expects to succeed but may be...
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112a exceeded or surpassed i have o-t-e-t i know for a fact the letters are correct but i just cannot get this one
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17 and 31 across and 37 down please, thanks and merry christmas
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in which effects of light and illusion of movement is used rather than pictures. it is something art.
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Last one - 32A - Adverb used before comparatives for emphasis - ?H? - could it be The?
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A Classic Show four words 4-2-4-4 Letters I F U S T L O S I I H Y E R.
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how does water manage to travel over the u-bend at the base of a sink?
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hi everybody, nearly finished,just got four to do, hope you can help me 24 a.sauce made from egg yolks,lemon juice,butter,shallots,herbs and seasoning. 31 a.david m-d-,conservative mp for falmouth and...
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Can non polar molecules be induced to be polar?
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Which 19th Century Economist with Communist leanings was cremated at Woking and had his ashes scattered at sea ?. Help much appreciated.
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Is there anyone like me ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have done every competition in Chat, That's Life, Take a Break, Pick me up, Real people, What's on Tv, Bella and Best since they first started back God knows...
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odd word out alienator alarming collapse diabolical
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If 8 is first and 5 is second and 4 is third, then which number in same context is tenth??

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