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Does the phrase "of this parish" on parish records mean the person was born in the parish or that they lived in the parish at the time of the wedding....
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Can any one give a guide price to remove a concrete floor, dig out the red clay base and replace with hard core and relay the floor in a 10 x 10 room.
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Could Game of Thrones be shown in its entirety on one of the five main channels without being edited or censored.
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How can I find out about someone who was in Parkhurst Prison in 1871
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Does anyone know the mark up on double glazing.
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Would the police be interested in or take action over something recorded on a dashboard camera
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Sorry to bring up lane hogging again, it is bad enough on a three lane motorway but four lanes just make it worse. I recently travelled on a four lane section of the M1 just north of Derby with light...
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Would a silversmith working for a company have his own makers mark or would he use the company's makers mark.
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Could someone look up an American immigration for me please. I want to know if the person was travelling alone or who she was with. Anna May Tharme b.1850 date of immigration 1868 Rock Island...
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Do double yellow lines on roads around a hospital have any legal standing.
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Looking at the weather maps on the television weather reports, Stornoway is always warmer than the rest of Scotland.What's the reason for this.
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Does anyone know of decent software for a Mac that I can use with my usb deck
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Does anyone know how to delete a tree on
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Can anyone give a ballpark figure of how much a website would charge a hotel to advertise on a website.
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If you purchase a house that has been badly renovated and the faults don't become apparent until after the purchase, ie. leaking pipes, blocked waste pipes, incorrectly installed dry lining. is there...
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Would a Death Certificate of 1856 show place of birth.
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Why do officers in the American military have so many medal ribbons on their uniform. It seems they get a medal every time there is an R in the month.
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Looking at the parish parish records for Tettenhall burials were a number of entries similar to this "1681 Billingsley Richard son of William of the Wergs" What are the "Wergs" Tettenhall is now a...
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When I wanted to add occupation as an additional fact on FTM a side window would open to allow entering date, place, description. Now the side window opens with one entry slot marked value. Any ideas....

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