One of my friends have a 52 plate fiat maybe punto but is a 3 door. When they turn the heater on his side lights come on. he fitted a new radio a few months ago and this fault has just occured. Can...
Hi folks, a friend has just called me to ask if I saw the prog on ITV1 last night (9pm) about "motorists getting their own back", i.e. getting out of paying yellow box fines etc. The question is this....
If I asked what something was my grandparents answered "it's a wim wam for a ducks bridle". Has anyone else come across this saying, where did it originate from and what does it mean ?
Can anyone point me in the right direction for car insurance for a learner driver? My daughter turns 17 at the end of the month and I've been looking for some car insurance for her. I've been on...
My car passed it's MOT apparently whilst i was away, clever little motor, but the light on the lighting up bit still lights up saying 'airbag' as it apparently is nothing to do with the MOT, i have...
When you are at traffic lights where there are 2 lanes, who has the right of way when the 2 lanes merge into 1after you have gone through the lights? I always thought that the driver in the left hand...
Due to someone driving into the back of my car, it has been written off, and the other guy's insurance is paying me a lump sum. I'm thinking of buying a year old car advertised at ?9,000.00. My...
I'd love it if you could tell me the answer to this one as our local family from hell need 'shopping' if it is the case. Basically the family bought daughter a car. Father drives a company car insured...
Are there any military records that I can look at online? My great grandfather William Johnson was a private in the York 2nd West Militia when he got married in 1856. His address is given as Swinegate...