Can we have a section just for crosswords please. Sometimes you get "This has been Answered before".Fair enough but you have to wade through loads of quiz trivia to find it.I like quzzes too but can...
Quizmail question that I am stuck on. No 49 5 letter common name , derived from Zulu, spiral horns, white stripes on greyish brown coat, All the ones I can find either do not fit description OR name...
Man goes to the doctors.Doctor doctor, I think I'm constipated!!" he says.Doctor replies, "No ****.. -------------------------------- What do David Beckham and a Rolex watch have in common? They both...
Can any one help me? I love my husband he is my world. We dont have many arguments but when we do they almost always are to do with his sister. His sister once said some very hurtfull and...
Hi, hust wondering (and sorry if I am out of order in doing so here) but would anyone be interested in setting up a sort of mailing list for Quizmail regulars (something via yahoogroups or similar) so...
this morning I trod in poo while walking Parker.I clear up after my dog so other people dont tread in it,therefore I'd expect them to feel the same and clear up after their dog or dont this...