over the last 3 weeks i have been getting lots of prank phone calls where the caller says nothin then when i speak they hang up the phone, it started with my house phone (which is ex-directory) then a...
I don't know - I go away for a couple of weeks and now i have pages and pages of catching up to do. I really need to get a life away from here !!! Lots of new names and it seems like a few old ones...
Following DavidUK's thread about pocket money, I'm interested to know at what age you started giving your children pocket money, and do you expect them to do "chores" to earn it? By "chores" I mean at...
A couple I've known for years have a new baby AND an 11 month old baby. The mother has post natal depression and is on medication. I said I would help them in any way I could. I'm currently off work...
What happens to the Ballot papers after the election? How secret are they? (i.e. can the number on them be referenced to your name at a later date) Are they used in any way to record long term...
Hi Folks, Anyone ever heard of getting cramp in your tongue? My boyfriend occasionally gets it and it is agony for him. When he gets it he seems to hold the side of his jaw, but he is in so much pain...
For example - say cheese delicately, answer Caerphilly 1 - Pentecostal 2- Arm or leg 3 - Increase coarse linen cloth 4 - Value of manure 5 - Commission WREN, not tanker 6 - Musteline mammals get on...
Anyone got any tips for getting my moggy to start using outside to do the loo? we've just moved into new house 3 weeks ago, and since then he has only been using the litter tray, even immediately...
I have a pain in my lower back right where my tail bone is... it only started today & it's not an ache... more tingly shooting pain... obviously I'll go to the doc if it doesn't dissapear, but...
Generally speaking of course, why are men unable to change an empty loo roll, why do they leave dirty socks in balls all over the house and why can they only do one thing at a time? Equally why...
On Monday I spent the entire day following my wife around Lakeside shopping centre in Essex whilst she spent spent spent. Longest most boring day of my life. I digress - my question is.....are there...