On walking my children to school this morning, my elder girl(9) asked if she could carry a donor card like mine. I bit my lip and pretended I was concentrating on my answer, but really I was holding...
I recently saw an advert by Jamie Oliver for cooking roast spuds in Goose fat.So off i trundle to Tesco and purchase a tiny amount of this stuff for the extortionate price of ?2.50. But there hardly...
I am cooking xmas dinner for 12 people this year most i have cooked for before is 3 need some advice e.g how many Lbs of sprouts potatoes e.t.c do i buy. How do i keep everything hot I am starting to...
I notice that arse and ****** are now accepted on daytime and nighttime T.V and radio I personally dont have a problem with that.I have always told my two that if they MUST swear do not do it in front...
Are made from potatoes! Apparently this is news to some kids. Which leads me to my question (which might arguably be better placed in parenting, but I felt here was better).... Whose job is it to...
......it was soooo cosy listening to the logs crackling & watching the flames flickering. Mind you, I've just been clearing the ash away - not so cosy doing that! Anyone else done the same yet?
Dear Ed would it be possible to have automatic sign in for AB? The old joints aren't what they used to be and by the time I've typed in my name and password I need a rest - and half the time I forget...
I seem to have a knack for being the last person to post on Q's,
Does anybody else find this or, in the words of our Terry, "is it me?"
I might get a complex so please SOMEBODY add to this!
Take this simple test to find out whether your a true Brit.......Its Christmas time once again and you need to buy food and prezzies for the kids do you A, Go out and buy them with your hard earned...
a relative of mine has had to go into a care home and it costs 450 quid a week for a man who worked his backside of all his life yet if he had been a tax dodging doley low life the state (thats...
Does anybody have any pointers as to the identity of the characters in these pictures. I can safely say that I've never seen them before in my life so any clues would be welcome. Thank you.
Here's the story: A few nights ago there was a spider (the really big, very black, very long legs kind - you know what I mean eh?) on my livingroom wall. I am petrified of them but didn't want to...