Look at my previous posts! I left him last thursday, went back saturday and now think i did the wrong thing and do need to get out and go to mums. He hasnt lost his temper with me again but lastnite i...
my friends little boy had this recently, and has a scar left on his forehead by it. she is worried that this may be permanent. anyone know anything about this and whether her fears are unfounded ? she...
i have noticed how the AB has died in the last few weeks, perhaps its down to the sub sections but there are a lot of questions that have no answers?? then again, perhaps its me?
my son is now living alone, and experimenting with cookery. he has got a slow cooker and would like some easy recipes to try. (he also wants to make something vegetarian in it for his girlfriend )....
Hi everyone... Mrs Dozy again I've definitely decided to buy my hubby an xbox for Christmas. What's the diff between the standard xbox and the xbox360? I read somewhere that not all games will play on...
i have been asked to find out why coffins are buried 6 feet deep - not 5, or 7 , for example. Is there a specific or scientific reason ????????
thank you.
Hi, i was just wondering if anyone could help me. i want to get an xbox 360 but aren't sure what tv to go for. i know that i preferably need a HD TV but is there any other specifications needed ?...
does anyone know how to get their hands on a game called 'shadow hearts: from the new world'? i heard its quite rare and think it may be expensive but i wanted to buy it as a gift. so long as it'll...
possible the worst goalkeeper......EVER! he is unbelievable he never comes off his line he cant kick to save his life. it is his fault the baggies are droppin points
my mate lost her mum 2yrs ago,well about 6mths ago her dad was told he had cancer he was given a year to live,well three months later, he died yesterday,i want to know how can i be there for her when...
how do i fix my xbox that hardly ever plays games and says they are dirty or damaged. i've got a lense cleaner but sometimes it doesn't even accept that
i recently bought the sims 2 pets exspansion pack. when i go to install the game everything works fine until it reaches about 97% where a box pops up saying : "a problem occured when trying...
I wasn't sure where 2 put this but... My mum and dad are hosting a Halloween Party - Like they have been doing for the past 3 years :P ) But anyway, i was wondering if you guys know of nay cool...
at 29 am i among the youngest on here? who are these beatles and stones people keep talking about? is it some sort of game made popular in the 60s? at times its like standing in a post office queue...