Without anything for the weekend, how much do you pay the barber for your haircut. It dont affect me because I've been shaving my own for yonks. Happen to look at a price list yesterday and was... ...
Did Saul Bellow? I know Oscar was Wilde, but wasn't Thornton Wilder? I think John was Gay and Hopkins was Manly, but then, who cares if Immanuel Kant when Kubla Khan ? 🙂
JUST FOR FUN! Name someone - singer/actor/ any kind of celebrity that you just can't stand but for no particular reason! I've a couple, but one that springs to mind is actress Lisa Faulkner - she... ...
This morning whilst preparing my breakfast, I looked out of the kitchen window and there, on the garden, looking for worms, was a busy blackbird. Then, out of nowhere it seemed, a cat came racing... ...
We work for bosses who are loaded, yet we (admin staff) have to pay £25 each for our 'do'. We're not sure that we should. Anyway, what is your workplace doing for... ...
Many readers can identify a book by its opening line, and Amazon Books have conducted a survey of the most recognisable, with Charles Dickens' 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times'... ...
my parents have just locked me in my bedroom for 4 days as a punishment for sneaking out to a party that my parents said i couldnt go to, there were boys, alcohol, and drugs, i must admit i was so...
Some of the old-timers in EastEnders used that phrase to indicate something had happened quite a while ago. The monarch in question was Victoria. Slang changes over time so maybe it won't be used...