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are there such things? Where can I get one for my 14 year old brother so he doesnt have to pay adult fares/prices?
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(for the people who know what I'm on about) So now the loser has got one of his mates to text me, well I think the first few messages were from him and then later on at night his mate called me. I...
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I went to watch it on thursday and now I'm wondering, does any woman really have such a hold over a man like she does on him? BTW it's a really good film!!
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and now the sound of his voice makes me want to throw up, I've deleated his number and all of his text messages, I never even want to talk to him again. WHAT DID I EVER SEE IN HIM!!!!!
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Sometimes does it feel like you have no one to talk to even though you know you have friends all over the place? My best mate is getting married and moving to London so I don't want to talk to her...
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I dont know what to do I'm so confused!! the phone's right next to me but I'm too scared to pick up it up call him Can't belive it I've never felt this way before - I HATE MEN!! will someone just tell...
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so strange that now I cant just pick up the phone and text him when I want and to and add to thats I'm watching love actually, tuh even the kids are getting together!!
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Why is it easier to talk to men on the phone and this is while I'm at work so I'm not flirting or anything!!
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When looking at the numbers for lap tops its says, 1 GB Memory 120 GB Hard Drive I don't understand this isn't the hard drive the memory and how come it's 1GB? I'm really confused!! Can someone...
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What music is used for this ad it's kind of like opera? TIA
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where can I buy it cheap? I got season 1 for ?9.99 but the cheapest I can find season 2 for is ?17.99
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I just found out I stopped a suicidal person from killing himself last summer. I didn't know he was suicidal at the time, he just told me a few days ago.
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I want to buy this lap top .jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@0851699186.1212656701@@@ @&BV_EngineID=cceeadeefflijelcflgceggdhhmdgmj....
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I opened the panel underneath the fan to clean it and then I screwed it back on. After this when I tried to turn it back on it wouldn't come on. I put the AC adaptor in and the little light came on...
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I opened my laptop to clean the fan and when I put the case cover back on and tried to to turn it on it wouldn't come on. Can someone help please? I hardly touched it so I dont know what went wrong!!!
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is there anywhere I can do some online?!?! TIA
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I had this dream in which this girl I worked with joined AB and for some reason I was really pi**ed off, lol. I dreamt it a few days ago but couldn't post because she's been around me lol
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does he have a split personailty? that guy with the curly hair is he in his head?
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Ignore people who act like imbeciles Just a tip!!
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what do you listen to, to relax?

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