When was the last time anyone landed on the moon? I think it was a long time ago, maybe 25 years. So why don't we go there anymore? I don't believe that anyone has ever been and they know that they...
I've got a female cat who is about 2 years old and when we got her she was very timid and withdrawn. Now she's settled in and made the place her own. So at Christmas we decided to get her a wee pal...
I share an office with two other people. One of them sits about three foot to my left, one of them three foot to my right. We seem to communicate to each other more via this web site. Why is this? Why...
In July this year I parked my car in a pay and display area, purchased a ticket, and when I returned to my car I still had approx. 20 minutes left on my ticket. A couple of weeks ago I received a...