Do you think that the British National party will now give up the pretence of being a respectable party, and go back to what they always have been under the thin veneer, that is, a party of unpleasant...
A new book, which was apparently well researched, suggests that not only was King Arthur real, but also from Scotland. Any truth in this do you think???
Which code of football (Out of all of them in the whole world. Soccer, Gaelic soccer, AFL, Gridiron, Hungarian shaved yak footy - the lot.) is the suckiest football. (Give a reason for your answer).
In light of the ex-Mrs Parlour's court victory today. Do AB'ers think that an ex-partner should have a claim on your future earnings - over and above the split of assets held at the time and any...
The chairman of Ryan Air wants to do away with check-in desks and baggae handling, to reduce costs. Fine so far, but he advises people to buy their holiday clothes at their destination ... so how do...
Our first holiday in the school holidays is proving to be a costly nightmare - can anyone recommend a good budget holiday idea (min 3 star whether camping or luxuriating) for a week in August (depart...
Does anyone know the woman that held up the banner saying BBQ THAT at the Rugby World Cup 2003 FInal? Or has anyone heard anything about her since the final? Whoever came up with the idea for that...
Can anyone tell me the main physical characteristics of Italians/Sicilians/Greeks, French, and Irish? Or anything they do like gestures or anything? Thanks! If you only know one, that's ok!