I am ashamed to say I am stuck on three today! 3 across - Place where four roads meet in centre of town (6) C?R?A?. 24 down - French name for landlocked country in Africa (5) T?H??. 29 across -...
Stuck one - cannot find the answer anywhere. 86 across. Name of the jinni in the 1992 animated Disney film Aladdin (5) I have ?E?I?. Thank you in advance.
Puzzled about this - Is the answer to 57 across UGRIC? If so it seems strange to have the answer in the clue. If it is not UGRIC can someone please enlighten me?
Can someone please tell me if the answer to 3d - A Weightlifting Exercise - is CURL? It is the only word I can think of which goes with the shaded anwer from Saturday which I have as KISS. Thank you.
Stuck on two. 2 down. Act of justifying in one's own right the distraining of goods. (6) I have A?O?R?. 25 across. Of singing of devotional songs from the Old Testament. (9). I have ?S?E?O?I?. Thanks...
As usual - stuck on one. 14 across. A film director who retains strict control over the creative content of a film and is considered to be its creator. (6). I have ?U?E?R. Maybe I have something wrong...
As usual, stuck on one. Probably got something wrong. 27 across Often repeated situation or event. (3,4,3,5). I have ??E ?A?E ?L? S?X?Y. Thank you in advance.
Further to my previous questions - sorry I forgot to post the clues. 35 across is HUMILIATION (5) - I have ??A?E. 26 down is GOAD (9) - I have I???L?A?E
If the answer to 35 across is SHAME, can someone please put me out of my misery and tell me the answer to 26 down. If SHAME is right then INCULCATE (which is the only solution I can come up with) must...
As per usual I'm stuck on one - exhausted all my reference books etc. 43a. A hot sauce or paste made with piri piri chilli peppers and olive oil, used in North African cuisine. (7) I have ?A?I?S?....
IF 9a is STONEFLY and 12a is ADZE - what is the answer to 2d? Competent and enthusiastic user of the Internet (obviously not me!) (7) N?T?Z?N. Thank you in anticipation.