Stuck on one yet again - cannot fathom this one out - (probably got something wrong!). 1a Anecdote of modern life, often apocryphal. (5,4) I have ?R?A? M??H. Thank you in advance.
Took me only ten minutes to (almost) complete today's crossword - stuck on one though. 16d Female member of a board (9) I have P?R?C?R?X. Thank you in advance.
I have had a Sony Bravia 32" TV for about 3 years and never had a problem. Starting about three weeks ago - for no apparent reason - EVERY day at 5 p.m. a notice appears on the screen "DO YOU WISH TO...
Stuck on two. Please help. 11a Acrimonious exchange of emails (5,3) I have ?L?M? WAR. 18d Struggle characterised by heavy blows (8) I have S??G?E?E. Thank you in advance.
30a. Principle that entities are not to be multiplied more than necessary (7,5). The only answer I can come up with is OCCAMS RAZOR but the letters I have are O?K?A??. Is the answer OCKHAMS RAZOR? I...
Can anyone please tell me the name of an Italian Grand Prix circuit with the letters I?O?A. Please don't tell me it's Monza because I KNOW the letters I have are all correct. Thank you in advance....
24d Person from Baku, for example (5). A???I. I have the answer down as AZERI - BUT 27a throws that out. Genus of purple-flowered Mediterranean plants (8) A?B???IA. I think the answer is AMBROSIA but...
I should know the answer to this one but I can't dredge it up from my quagmire of a brain. 5d Historically, land converted from forest to arable land (6) I have ?S?A?T. Thank you in advance.
Missed one earlier - something else I never watched! 7d --(or: Show 5) episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus with the Psychiatrist Milkman sketch (6) I have
?E?A?U. Again - thank you in advance....
Stuck on one - have never seen or read anything of JRR Tolkien. 17a Fictional river of Rohan rising in the White Mountains in JRR Tolkien's Middle-earth. (5)
I have ?D?R?. Thank you in advance....
When I had windows XP I had the Oxford Interactive Encyclopedia installed and it included a brilliant dictionary. Unfortunately my computer decided to have a "fry-up" inside so I had to buy a new one....
Help required please - the answer to this is obviously French and my knowledge of French is zero minus. 10a Choose something at random (4-4) I have
?R?V ?O?S. Thank you....
I cannot believe I am stuck on SIX today - never happened before. I must have something wrong somewhere! 7d Height of poetic inspiration (5) E?T?O. 19d Physician dealing with diseases caused by...
For quite a few years I have used an Oxford Interactive Dictionary/Encyclopedia on the various systems on Windows. Since "progressing??" to Windows 7 and Windows 8 (horrible system!) I find the...
Stuck on two - any help appreciated. 22d Liturgical vestment worn by a priest celebrating the Eucharist. (5) I have A?I?E. 45d Artist who created "The Theatre Box" (6) I have R?N?I?....