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Just a quick pop in to say... Daughter no2 arrived safe, well and early on Friday morning! All doing well and finally got home today. Thanks to everyone for kind thoughts over the last few months xx...
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Why oh why do they still not have the technology still to confirm whether a ball has gone over the line into the net, whether its a hand ball etc, when they have it in so many other sports, especially...
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Daughter bought a kitten, called it Looby. Has had it for a couple of months now. Just txt me to say that she was tickling Loobys tummy and realised that Looby has developed a couple of extra items in...
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He has prescribed me Mometasone crm 0.1% and Flucloxacillin as he says behind my ears is infected as well. I knew that as can feel it weeping behind one of them. So hopefully this lot will do the...
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Remember a while ago I tild you that my son's gf was pregnant and i was so shocked? Well she went into labour early and gave birth to a small but beautiful little girl yesterday! She is absolutely...
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Old injury. It's painful but not painful enough to moan about. My concern is when I walk I can feel a kind of pinging sensation. I don't know how else to explain. It's a bit like cracking your...
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What makes these vile people treat the elderly like this. He's been imprisoned for 18 months. If he done that to grand parents......!!!
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Mt friend ran the marathon this morning....following with the Twix next weekend and the Mars the week after......
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What did everyone think of Britains Got Talent last night? What was your favourite act?
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On the first day of my secondary school I spoke to this girl and found out the second day she was the headmistresses daughter. Our friendship went on and I was told by the headmistress she was the...
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Can you put it on eyelids? They are still raw and so sore after reaction to hair dye and nothing else seems to be soothing them.
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My Wife has just had one of those "near death experiences". . . . . . She thought she could hoover up while the football was on.
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bit of a heavy night lastnight and im still in bed. My bloke has hoovered, prepared all veg and meat for roast and now i can hear him mopping floor. Anyone want to rent him off me?
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what do you love about new born babies,i love the smell after they have been washed and talced.
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Just watching th voice, and I know I'm getting old and old fashioned, but I really don't call this singing, they all seem to shout the songs, can nobody just stand and sing a song in which we can hear...
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This evening I prepared a chicken salad for my dinner and I thought as it looked so good I'd treat myself to a glass of red. Yeeks - the bottle was not a screw top and I've never had to use a...
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Just heard on the news he is showing signs of coming out of his coma. Amazing don't you think?
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I`m not brilliant with texts and text speak. I have an elderly relative in a care home who will be ninety next month and we have been discussing how to celebrate her birthday. Last night I received a...
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Just a quick note to update those who commented on my previous posts. The funeral was yesterday and luckily the sun shone for her. The crem was packed - so many people that they couldn't close the...
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I was listening to Woman's Hour this morning and Oxfam are wanting unwanted bras for sale in their shops and to be sent to Senegal. They interviewed a number of women to determine their bra habits,...

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