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Female - Size: 6.5 - 7 I'll get back to my ironing now! 
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Mine are: Heinz Cream of Tomato Heinz Cream of Asparagus Heinz Cream of Vegetable
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Just wondering how many kitchen gadgets you have, that are now stuck in a cupboard & never used? To prick your memory, there are: Deep Fat Fryers Bread Makers Ice Cream Makers Liquidisers Food...
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Which e-mailing programme do you use, or would recommend? I have always used the Incredimail without any real problems, however, after my recent question on 'highlighting & deleting...
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Just been reading a post regarding right/left handed children. It made me wonder how many ABer's are left or right handed. Hope tha'ts ok Ed! BTW - I'm left handed & left footed.
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I used to be able to highlight a block of e-mails & delete them all at once, but for some reason Incredimail no longer allows me to do this. I have to delete them one by one & it's such a...
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Does/has anyone ever worked for The Samaritans? Even though I get my down days, the same as lots of others - I have been asked by so many troubled people who have confided in...
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What or who is Nelly?
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Long winded I know - but you should know me by now! Anyway, we have just received a wedding invitation from my brother, for his step-son's forthcoming wedding. I haven't seen or spoken to...
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Does anyone else think Toyah Wilcox should give up singing? It was embarrassing watching her 'trying' to sing on the Queen programme Saturday night. I do like her, but think she should stick...
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A few weeks ago, on a Saturday night, I was half asleep on the sofa, at the dribbling stage, when the door bell rang. I got up & opened the door (in my pyjamas - no make up) to find our...
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Why do some people blow hot & cold? You know, the type that want to know one minute, then not the next. A bit like inconsistant drivers, who want to hold you up by dawdling along in front of...
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The saying that things always happen in threes, or words to that effect, must be true. In one week, our telly, tumble dryer & washing machine have all gone on the blink! Does this often happen to...
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I'm amazed to read that a senior Church of England bishop, is requesting for Prince Charles to apologise to Camilla Parker Bowles's ex-husband, for committing adultery with his then...
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Just wanted to wish you all a very happy Easter. -x-
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Just a little note to thank all who posted their comforting & kind sentiments on my recent thread. As you know, these things take time, but I'm gradually getting there. It's made easier when...
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I know everyone is different, but if you are suffering from depression, for whatever reason/s, do you think it's best to try to soldier on without taking anti-depressants, or trying to persevere with...
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I hear that Dave Allen has just died. What did you think of his humour?

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