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9d, Carried on work quietly but was dishonest (5) - L - E - 32d, Attorneys consume second class fish (4) D - B - 33d, Settled by one in ones home (4) - A - D...
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Tuesday Daily Mail, 15a, Cryptic clues mask a section of sentence (6) C - - - D - 19a, A student at college collects money for his predecessors (6) - L - - - C 12d, 'Magic' object beginning to cause...
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25a, It goes back to Scotsman, a Shakespearean (5) T - - - N 18d, Carriage to drive mad round the harbour (10) D - P - R - M - N - , and how please...
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88a, It is run by assistants, (4) L - - E 69a, They are stepped on heavily by Tyson Fury, for example (6) D - A - E S 70d, Trent Grimsby set a record in it in September (7) - - A N N - L...
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16a. Fellow nearly,nearly grimaces with embarrassment (7) - - A - R - - 9d.Wretched mongrels housed in very good doghouse, at first. (8) A---R-E- 12d No amount of three gases in the atmosphere (4) N -...
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10d, Zealous weevil regularly seen eating cake decoration (11). E - - - - - L - C - L 20a, Shape of tropical fish no good for reversing (8), - E - - - - - N. 21d, Pass on expression of impatience...
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3d, Lets rise to swallow last of the hard stuff, (5) S - E - L 11a, Now and then reveal catch, (3) - - L...
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23a, Excite atoms (4) - E - T
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3d, The most severe ways to restrict Irish river, (8) S - E - N - - - 5d, Showed affection for, say, old burial chamber, (4) K - S -...
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6d Cop out? Former case of sabotage keeps copper in. (6) E - - - S - 11a Cycle with a couple on island such as this. (5) - - P - I Have thought EXCUSE and CAPRI, but an explanation of excuse would be...
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4d, Time Team project is absorbing time and numbers (6) D - G - T - 18d, 5 clubs support heart of Kent and surrounding area (8) - N - I - - - S...
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Two rules joined to make tool (5) - E - E -
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29a, Racing disturbed over hilltop thats at end of line. (4,4) - I - H, - O - D. 22d, Dealer increasingly out of pocket. (6) - R - D - R, have it as trader and fish food, but how ?...
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Alecs turn to work with energy on the meat(8) - - - A - O - E Escarole fits but it is a leaf, any ideas. Plus, Its fashionable to remove ones hat in America (4) - T - H...
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3d. Small bar for rent now and then. (4). F - E - And how please ?
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4d. In channel, pilot began to strike a chord. (4,1,4) R - N G, A, - E - L. Rang or Ring a bell? And how does channel fit in ?...
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17d Expert covers right area (4). A - R - . Aura ? but how
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31a, Seaman shows his cards after all the rest (4,4) - E - -, - - - D. 27d, Left ringleader in Britain to go unnoticed (4) - U - -...
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3d, Picked up singers note (6) - E - N - R. Getting late and i am stumped, and can you explain too, cheers
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26d. Hardwood Tiller, (4) - E - M. Beam or Helm ?

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