Best thing about eating cornflakes is the milk at the bottom when you've finished. Anyone else see the marketing prospects here? Cornflake milk in cartons - or sugar puff milk - even better? Anyone...
As i am extremely bored and really hungry I'd like to know what other ABer's fav' food is. My fav food is....i can't think of anything specific as i love most foods. But I could just...
Does anyone else think celebrity culture is the most uninteresting, moronic and injust thing on planet Earth or am I a lonely person on this one and about to get ripped to shreads? I...
I recently heard a really good mix of Kylie Minogue's 'I believe in you' combined with Gwen Steffani 'What you waiting for'' - any ideas where and how I can get hold of it?
why has no-one pulled The Faders up in front of a judge for ripping of Jet's "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" yet. Honestly, did no-one in the recording studio notice??
Me and my mate Rob have been deliberating on the most annoying people on the planet this week.So far, Rob has got this: june sarpong - why why why is she on tv? cliff richard - has a face, voice and...
Leading on from the previous thread what is the worst 'professional' spelling mistake you have seen? Mine was a diversion sign which said 'DIVERTED TRAFIC'
Can anyone recommend any shops that have larger sizes in women's clothes? I use Evans and Next are finally getting bigger sizes in, but I'm running out of places to try. I'm looking for 18-20 size,...
What daft sign had you seen? The WH Smiths store in Glasgow has a sign in the lift that says anyone under 18 must be accommpanied by an adult!! How many 17 year old goes with an...
Does anyone else share my observation as follows?: Phil Mitchell returns to the square, on the run from the police. A confirmed alcoholic, he shares a cheeky vodka with Billy, whilst of...
Is it on top of some ancient buriel ground or something, because it seems that whenever there's a problem or someone 'just needs sometime to clear my 'ead' They always go there to seek spiritual...
This music was used in the background 1. a year or two ago, for a trailer for a series on the sex industry 2. on itv-f1 recently for their competition to win a trip to the Monaco Grand Prix. It has an...