...that were predicted to be swamping our streets from January 1st onwards? Not being funny...but where the hell are they? And why have the press gone all quiet on the story? Does anyone feel...
What are your impressions?
In our house, we thought it was the best ITV drama since 'Broadchurch' although not in the same league as 'The Fall', from last year......
Every year around this time, friends I've know for years suddenly discover they have (questionable) Irish roots and jump on the joyous St Patricks Day celebrations. I've always noticed how every Irish...
Do you have a comedy line which makes you laugh every time you hear it...no matter how many times you've heard it before? My personal favourite is "Infamy, imfamy...they've got it in for me" from...
Fred Phelps is reportedly ' lose to death'. There will be people who celebrate the demise of this man. Some may even use the opportunity to get 'payback', due to the hurt and pain the WBC have...
According to the latest reports, investigators are theorising that the airline was hijacked, and flew for another seven hours after communications were disabled.* Okay, if that's the case, surely...
In the first one, which we discussed here last week, Lewis Gill was sentenced to four years for manslaughter. I think we can all agree - a very dangerous man who should go away for a long time:...
B00 Further to the earlier thread I posted about sitcoms. The third series of 'Parks and Recreation' is being broadcast on BBC4. We had a series link for the last series, and I've just got home to...
Like many people, I subscribe to a digital tv package, and because of the huge number of channels, I'm probably missing some really good sitcoms. At the moment, the only ones that we're aware of are...
This question has been raised a number of times on the News section, and I'm curious to see whether there has been any significant shift since the last time it was asked. Do you still buy a daily...
This would include women who have accused men of rape, or sexual assault and children who accuse adults of sexual assault and rape. In both cases, as we have seen recently, the accused is named,...
A bag of salted popcorn for the first person to guess correctly!
I recently thanked LazyGun for providing a link to an excellent book called 'Flat Earth News'. LazyGun replied that although he'd read it, he hadn't mentioned it on AB. So I have done some digging,...
Do you agree that this is the perfect come-back for those who wish to express their distaste with the comments made by UKIP councillor David Silvester?...
This is just breaking on BBC News - can't find it online. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/10526973/Do-you-believe-Nigella-Lawson-approved-spending-when-off-her-head-jury-asked.html I'm...
Sounds a little far fetched to me:
Personally I would be very happy working for Ticketmaster (rather than paying them over the odds as a customer!):