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Further to a recent post about the horrific and terrifying practice of modern-day witchcraft, I would like to hear your thoughts about the causes of wickedness. The witchcraft story to us looks...
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Does anyone know the music used in BBC4's 'The Wonders Of Iceland' trailer? Sounds a bit like a Coldplay instrumental. By the way, it's Iceland the country, not the supermarket......
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Firstly, something I noticed from the BBC's (excellent) coverage - I noticed that amongst the flag-waving crowds, there were quite a lot of black and Asian faces, all enthusiastically getting into the...
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We all love a bit of gossip, but why is it that certain newspapers (well, mainly the Daily Heil) are getting so worked up over gagging orders? It is NOT our right to know which footballer is having an...
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The song has the following lyric "Heads turned when you walked in the room / Guess I knew you were so chic / I just needed to talk to you... Sounds a bit Amy Winehouse-ish...but it's definitely...
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The song has the following lyric "Heads turned when you walked in the room / Guess I knew you were so chic / I just needed to talk to you... Sounds a bit Amy Winehouse-ish...but it's...
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Leaving aside the question of Obama's place of birth (I thought that story had already been put to bed months ago), would you say that sending out an email, depicting Mr Barack as progeny of
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There are those who say that gang members get off lightly with a slap on the wrist (which was never really the case) when convicted of murder. This sentence sends an excellent message to those who...
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Joe Mott from the Daily Star commenting on Ricky Gervais' recent weight loss suggested that if he were a gay man, one would assume he's dying of AIDS. Is this funny 'ha ha',...
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Not a question...just want to draw as many people to this WONDERFUL clip. This has gone a long way in convincing me that the EDL make a lot of sense when it comes to their views on Muslamic Law (not...
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Is the spread of religious idiocy the new mantra for the 21st century?
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Popping over to Pakistan and announcing that Britain is "responsible for many of the world’s historic problems, including the conflict in Kashmir between India and Pakistan" The...
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Not a late April Fools joke, but apparently Mr Cameron will be appearing in Lady Gaga's video for her next single, 'Government Hooker'. A Downing Street spokesman said: "David Cameron is a...
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The extremist Christian group, Westboro Baptist Church is planning to picket the funeral of Elizabeth Taylor. One tweet from Margie Phelps, daughter of the church’s leader Fred Phelps, said:...
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What is the name of the actress who plays the youngest daughter in the Comic Relief mickey-take of Downton Abbey?
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Brian True-May the producer of long-running TV hit Midsomer Murders has been suspended after claiming part of the show's appeal was an absence of ethnic minorities Could this be true? Are there people...
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I would like to take this opportunity to address some rather ill-informed posts on the recent thread on the gay cricketer who came out. Does it matter? Yes - it does, because gay kids need to have a...
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Time for quotas? So often, we're told that appointments to senior management positions should be based purely on ability. Seeing as how men, who are overwhelmingly the holders of power in the top FTSE...
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Remember a couple of years ago when that lovely old bigot Mel Gibson raged at the traffic cops about Jews being responsible for all the world's wars (this was before he suggested that a bunch of...

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